yah, a good friend of mine was sexually assaulted in england four months ago, the buzzing siren alarm keychain she carried had no responders... at least she only had to wait in line two months to get to see a psychiatrist about her problems sleeping at night...
... do guns cause violence or does violence cause guns
it would be harder to accidently shoot yourself if you didn't own a gun... at the same time our football player would still have passed since he did not own a gun to use on our intruder... gun control only makes sure victims don't have some to fight back with...
want to hear something funny
"This article by Rutgers University professor Dr. Goertzel offers sound advice regarding statistical analysis: "When presented with an econometric model, consumers should insist on evidence that it can predict trends in data other than the data used to create it. Models that fail this test are junk science, no matter how complex the analysis."
numerous countries have gun carry rate at or higher than the US but do not have the violence, we would be violent regardless of guns... they never cite those countries in their studies... I wonder why?
"these researchers found a much stronger correlation between firearm homicides and car ownership"
gun control studies are flawed, correlation is not causation, and there is no real way to prove america would be better off, I am still looking for the control group in the study, and there are probably a couple of confounds they won't take into consideration because it doesn't objectively prove the point they want
Help control the pet population: Teach your dog abstinence.