by laxdad03 on Fri May 11, 2007 8:51 pm
Thanks for the reply, Cecil, and as I said before, I really do appreciate all the work you (and everyone) are putting into this tournament.
But, for what little it may be worth, the schedule most definitely HAS changed, although on thinking about it, you may be right about the "at least since Monday" part, and I may have misquoted the time of my last checking that portion of the schedule. In fact, the nature of my very clear recollection that, as I said, all four of the top seed games were at 7:00, indicates that my checking was first done some time before the final poll came out (and indeed, some of us bought such tickets substantially before the final poll). But I am CERTAIN of the posted schedule at that time, as I checked and double checked it MOST carefully for that reason, and came to the conclusion that, since the team we are most interested in would in no conceivable way drop below a four seed, the game would definitely be at 7:00, so we accordingly booked tickets then in order to get the much better fare, as long as the game time was known; we wouldn't have bought those particular tickets otherwise. I believe the team even had the 7:00 pm game time posted on their website during that timeframe as well (they have now changed it too). I may have even rechecked the schedule after the RMLC playoffs but probably before the final poll (not certain about that one, though), just to make sure -- in any case I'm sorry about the confusion of the date of my last checking in my earlier post. For whatever reason, it just seems to have flip-flopped, the middle-seeded games now all have the 7:00 time (maybe it was decided at some point that they would be more likely to be close and exciting games?).
Anyway, sorry for the sob story. Don't know if there are others of the top four seeds in a similar position (I had thought we were being so clever and careful), but in any case, from what I've found, the airlines will just wind up getting a bunch of extra money, I know they are getting it from us at least (just PLEASE don't change 'em again...).