The Tewaaraton Award Foundation has narrowed its list of men’s nominees to 17. Of these nominees, five will be chosen as finalists.
Final Nominees
Carroll, Casey Duke
Danowski, Matt Duke
Greer, Zack Duke
Hewit, Alex Princeton
Jungers, Zach Princeton
Lambe, Jerry Georgetown
Levine, Jordan Albany
Looney, Bill Navy
McMonagle, Matt Cornell
Megill, Ray Maryland
Mitchell, David Cornell
Queener, Brett Albany
Rabil, Paul Johns Hopkins
Resetarits, Frank Albany
Rubeor, Ben Virginia
Seibald, Max Cornell
Thomson, Merrick Albany
I've seen everyone on this list play, except Lambe at G'Town. Any thoughts on the Final 5? Off the top of my head I'd take Dano, Rubeor, Rabil, Seibald and Resetaris.