Gopherlax29 wrote:absolute travesty that UMD doesn't have 2 first team goalies as a tie as well as Kess at 1st team. He was a god damn all american last year and could have been on this year I'd imagine. also SCSU's attackmen should be 1st team on points alone, adn carrying that team along with Grannes. Also, I think it is too hard ot get it right but it should have been all UMD plus Onken, Kessler, Grannes and SCSU's guys (I can't think of his name). As well as Clausen at FOGO...
I'd like to mention that Mr. Ericksen, despite his Gopher nickname, does not represent Minnesota. In no way do his opinions refelct our team's position on the AC selections.
I'm dissapointed at the amount of second guessing, and baseless critcism being directed at the league administration for the AC choices. Some of your points are relevant, but it's too late to matter.
It's especially strange to read complaints from people who have not seen a single game. If you haven't even seen these guys play, you're just an uninformed whiner.
It's great to have passion for the game we all love, but this is not the best way to show it, it cheapens the honor for those who have already been chosen. If you don't like the selections, log off the message board, get involved, and volunteer some of your time to help your favorite program, and you'll have an impact on who is chosen.
Congatulations to all the All Conference Selections, and to UMD for their impressive season. Good luck to the Bulldogs in the national tournament, where Coach Graff, Clark, Horn, Litman and their team will represent the UMLL well.