Zeuslax wrote:Hopkins had to fight very hard against the ruling to stay DI. Being a Baltimore guy and Hopkins grad, I followed this story closely. Many said that if it wasn't for Hopkins being a big time exception, all others would have been impacted by the realignment ruling. In other words, Hopkins being a DIII school and DI in lacrosse proved that there should be exceptions.
The flip side of the arguement is that you have basically Div. 3 schools & athletic departments benefitting from one successfully (financially) Div. 1 program. This applies to Hopkins (Div 1 lacrossse, rest of sports are Div 3), Colarado College (Div. 1 hockey, Div. 3 in all other sports), etc. This rule applied to Georgetown at one time, if I recall correctly when they had Div. 1 basketball and all other sports were Div. 3.
Is it fair for the Div. 3 schools competiting against these programs in all the other sports when they don't have access to the same resources at the non Div. 1 varsity level?