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Postby StrykerFSU on Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:15 pm

Everyone knows that he did steroids,

And that is why he should not be in the Hall, in my opinion.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:11 pm

Excellent anyalsis in this opinion column:

Clemens is risking an awful lot by his adamant, absolute denials, and could be in a heap of trouble by doing so, if in fact he ever did "juice". Not only are his HOF chances in jeopardy, but so is much of the financial fortune he has amassed.
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Postby Dan Wishengrad on Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:40 pm

Clemens has filed suit against McNamee for defamation of character and surrounded himself with some of the best legal talent that money can buy. McNamee, however, waited until after Clemens testified for five hours and then revealed some pretty damning evidence he will introduce including syringes, vials and bloody gauzes, reportedly which all contain traces of Roger's DNA.

Quite predictably, Clemens and his attorneys are screaming that this evidence has "been fabricated", and hey it worked for O.J. so who knows? But I think Clemens is in a world of trouble now, opening hmself up to both perjury charges, which could send him to prison, and to civil charges, which could lead to Mcnamee retiring young and living off Roger's millions the rest of his life.

Good column today, worth a read:
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Postby Beta on Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:50 pm

Dan Wishengrad wrote:hey it worked for O.J. so who knows?

Clemens doesn't have the race card to pull.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:38 pm

Most potential jurors will know what DNA is and how it can be used to prove guilt. The Rocket is in some serious trouble. But hey, he's a stand up guy for injecting his wife with HGH.

Roger and Barry meet Pete. Pete meet Roger and Barry. You three will have plenty of time to discuss your careers while sitting outside the Hall of Fame. Nice work gentlemen.
Cliff Stryker Buck, Ph.D.
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Postby Zeuslax on Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:23 pm

I think the thing that has helped Clemens and his case is that he's done everything that an innocent person would say and do. He hasn't done the tight lipped thing like Bonds and others. He's followed through with everything and has offered more than what is being asked. We'll see if that changes now as he may need to pull back a little just for legal reasons.

I know this is a terrible parallel, but I feel like we've found a few of the all time great hedge fund managers and we're investigating whether they used cocaine so they could work 100 hour work weeks. The past being the key word here. If the owners said we aren't moving forward (playing another game) unless we have a very stringent testing policy in place. They would have huge private/public support and the players union would have to comply. If they didn't agree and comply they would look like a bunch of morons.

All things considered, I think most of this is crap. As a traditionalist, there's a deep attraction with the purity of sports. Draw the line in the sand about drug use in MLB and get on with it.
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Postby Sonny on Mon Feb 11, 2008 6:11 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:Most potential jurors will know what DNA is and how it can be used to prove guilt. The Rocket is in some serious trouble. But hey, he's a stand up guy for injecting his wife with HGH..

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Postby CATLAX MAN on Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:37 pm

Zeuslax wrote:I think the thing that has helped Clemens and his case is that he's done everything that an innocent person would say and do. He hasn't done the tight lipped thing like Bonds and others. He's followed through with everything and has offered more than what is being asked. We'll see if that changes now as he may need to pull back a little just for legal reasons.

Just for the record, Bonds did not do the "tight lipped" thing. He testified in front of the Grand Jury.

Zeuslax wrote:All things considered, I think most of this is crap.

Boy, you said a mouthful here. And just as an aside, what possible reason would MacNamee have for keeping syringes & bloody gauze for 7+ years? What kind of guy does that? A blackmailer....perhaps? Clemens' lawyers will carve this guy up and serve him for hors d'oeuvres.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:11 am

McNamee is a former police officer who probably saved the evidence for a day just like this one. He knew that he would need physical evidence to corroborate his story if and when Clemens decided to throw him under the bus.

McNamee didn't lie about Andy Pettite, why would he lie about Clemens? Pending the lab results on the evidence, Clemens' attorneys will be too busy trying to keep their client out of jail for perjury to worry about anything else.
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Postby CATLAX MAN on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:48 am

StrykerFSU wrote: Pending the lab results on the evidence, Clemens' attorneys will be too busy trying to keep their client out of jail for perjury to worry about anything else.

They really don't have much to worry about here. None of this "evidence" is going to be admissable in court. No evidence, no conviction and....probably no trial.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:58 am

Why wouldn't it be admissible in court?
Cliff Stryker Buck, Ph.D.
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Postby Zeuslax on Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:16 pm

Just for the record, Bonds did not do the "tight lipped" thing. He testified in front of the Grand Jury.

We've discussed Bonds to death.....I agree. I was pointing out how much more forthcoming and willing Clemens has been compared to Bonds. Big differences in their approach to this.
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Postby Jolly Roger on Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:16 pm

Chain of custody probably cannot be verified
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Postby CATLAX MAN on Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:57 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:Why wouldn't it be admissible in court?

As Roger has pointed out, the whole chain of custody thing is a huge issue. Even if that were not enough to disqualify the "evidence" as admissable (which is not likely), scientific experts say that there is no known method to date steroids or human growth hormone. There is also no way to date blood either. There is no smoking gun here.

You might want to take a look at this article:
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Postby LaxTV_Admin on Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:19 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:McNamee is a former police officer who probably saved the evidence for a day just like this one. He knew that he would need physical evidence to corroborate his story if and when Clemens decided to throw him under the bus.

Let me get this straight. A former police officer kept evidence of himself breaking the law in case Roger through him under the bus in the court of public opinion. No way.

Since he is a former police officer he would know that by keeping the evidence he can incriminate himself just as easily. If he assumed for a second that because he gives up this evidence he would get immunity, that is ridiculous.

To be perfectly honest, everybody whined (me too) when Bonds and others didn't scream from mountain tops to defend their name. Now, Roger Clemens is doing it and we are all saying he is full of crap.

Sorry, McNamee's evidence thus far is circumstantial at best....and fortunately for us, our legal system doesn't allow for someone to be convicted on circumstances alone.

McNamee didn't lie about Andy Pettite, why would he lie about Clemens? Pending the lab results on the evidence, Clemens' attorneys will be too busy trying to keep their client out of jail for perjury to worry about anything else.

Who knows, but then again, why on earth would anyone keep bloody gauze for seven years?

On a side note. Did anyone else find it kinda funny that next to the bloody gauze was none other than a Miller Lite can. I can see it now, McNamee allegedly injects Roger with the steroids then downs a beer. Nice.
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