Wash your face[book]

Postby LaxRef on Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:51 pm

Nominee for dumb quote of the week:

"Everyone thinks it's pretty weird,'' she said. "I think it's a huge invasion of privacy."

Um, it's posted on the internet! Duh!
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Postby BigheadTodd on Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:27 pm

laxfan25 wrote:Todd, were you confusing LaxRef and Laxfan25 with the Husky logo - you old-time Whaler fan??

William Henry Hall High School - Class of 1971. the first from the "new" Hall!

Conard sux. 44-20!!

I did get confused. Too much stuff in my brain, it's like trying to fit a gallon into a coffee cup, some falls out, and the rest just mixes together.
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Postby Gooseguy10 on Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:15 am

I doubt there is a photo of Graff imbibing illegal liquids as a freshmen. However, I have heard that there is a 1983 photo of Graff titled "Freshmen move into dorms." Complete with mullet and lines shaved into his head. That is way better then having a pic of some 18 year old kid drinking a brew.

As far as the drinking goes. Association to a crime is against high school league rules. So association to illegal drinking is a violation. Also it doesn't matter if the photo was taken two years ago, violations are cumlative and year around. Meaning that it doesn't matter if you were drinking during the season or not, it is still a violation.

I also agree with Horn. If the school did nothing, it would be a public relations nightmare.....especially in Eden Prairie.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:26 am

The best advice that I ever got from my college roommate was never be photographed with an alcoholic beverage. Period. Even to this day, I put my drink down when someone wants to take a picture. As for what to do if someone else takes your pictures while you are holding or drinking a beverage, don't drink that night or better yet, be smart about it. My father also told me that a mark of one's maturity is not bragging about their drinking habits. You never know when you are going to run for president or in the case of the OP's article, when some dobber is going to drop a dime on you
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Postby oldmanlax on Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:38 am

This is very amusing. These kids are planning a walkout because they acted illegally. Granted, it is possible some of them might not have been drinking but I am willing to bet most did.

And of course the parents are planning legal action. Against what, being bad parents. Props to EP for punishing these kids.

Do you think the well-to-do parents of EP can petition the state to lower the drinking age to 14 or 15?
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Postby LaxRef on Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:50 am

Gooseguy10 wrote:As far as the drinking goes. Association to a crime is against high school league rules. So association to illegal drinking is a violation. Also it doesn't matter if the photo was taken two years ago, violations are cumlative and year around. Meaning that it doesn't matter if you were drinking during the season or not, it is still a violation.

That I understand and agree with. The thing that seems questionable is punishing someone under the athlete code of conduct for something they did before they played a HS sport and before they signed that code of conduct. There seems to be something ex post facto about it.
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Postby LaxRef on Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:51 am

oldmanlax wrote:Do you think the well-to-do parents of EP can petition the state to lower the drinking age to 14 or 15?

Anybody can petition. The question is whether they can make up what the state would lose in federal highway funds if they lowered the drinking age below 21. I somehow doubt they could.
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Postby Gooseguy10 on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:17 am

Again it is a cumlative deal here. Violations are cumlative throughout high school. To me this means that if you have a violation during anytime in your academic career, that is a violation.

If it weren't this way couldn't you argue that you are not part of a team during the off season? All high school football players are not part of the football team right now.

By the way......I think Graff should man up and post the 1983 picture.
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Postby Pinball on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:24 am

Gooseguy10 wrote:
By the way......I think Graff should man up and post the 1983 picture.


I have got a hold of the pic of rob, pretty good.
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Postby Zeuslax on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:29 am

The best advice that I ever got from my college roommate was never be photographed with an alcoholic beverage. Period. Even to this day, I put my drink down when someone wants to take a picture. As for what to do if someone else takes your pictures while you are holding or drinking a beverage, don't drink that night or better yet, be smart about it. My father also told me that a mark of one's maturity is not bragging about their drinking habits. You never know when you are going to run for president or in the case of the OP's article, when some dobber is going to drop a dime on you

Waht about the rehab pics? Too many parties, and too many women...........

As the great Mr. Williams said:

Too many parties and too many pals will break your heart someday
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Postby Rob Graff on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:44 am

I'm much better looking than that picture, especially 24 years, and many pounds ago. :D :D :D

If I can find it, and figure out how to "digitally scan it" I'll post it.

Rob Graff
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Postby LaxTV_Admin on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:49 am

Rob Graff wrote:I'm much better looking than that picture, especially 24 years, and many pounds ago. :D :D :D

If I can find it, and figure out how to "digitally scan it" I'll post it.


Notice, Rob did not argue he didn't have a sweet mullet with racing stripes :twisted:
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Postby Pinball on Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:54 am

Maybe he should jsut post it on his facebook page?????
Jon Carlson
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Postby LaxRef on Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:14 pm

Gooseguy10 wrote:Again it is a cumlative deal here. Violations are cumlative throughout high school. To me this means that if you have a violation during anytime in your academic career, that is a violation.

If it weren't this way couldn't you argue that you are not part of a team during the off season? All high school football players are not part of the football team right now.

I might not have this right, but I thought that once you joined a team you had to sign the pledge and then were bound by it year-round, even in the off-season. But that's different from violating the pledge before you'd ever thought about joining a sport, seen the pledge, read the pledge, signed the pledge.

It's almost like moving to another country and then getting prosecuted for something you did in the old country that's illegal in the new country but not in the old one.
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Postby Gooseguy10 on Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:51 pm

I am not sure about the pledge deal. I am simply under the impression that everything in the past is in play. This goes for other violations other than drinking/drugs as well.

Schools can get away with a lot of things that would not fly in other parts of society. Searching backpacks/pockets, searching lockers, looking through cars.....in this sense schools have a very wide jurisdiction.

Back to the picture. Graff is not denying the picture exists b.c he personally told me about the picture seven years ago. What he didn't count on is me having an iron trap for a memory. With that being said, in the spirit of full disclosure, we expect to see the picture by the end of the week :D
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