China & Olympics

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China & Olympics

Postby Rob Graff on Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:48 pm

IF you are looking for some intersting "eat at your desk" lunch reading I suggest the following article.

There will no doubt be many of these articles forthcoming, but this is a very interesting, and enjoyably written one.

Rob Graff
EX - UMD Head Coach
UMLL League Director
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Rob Graff
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Postby Jana on Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:02 am

BTW, China has come out of nowhere and making a killing in the sport of rowing over the past 2 years. The Junior World Champs are wrapping up and China won or placed in 8 events. They are also doing well in the U-23 and Senior events.

Of course there are suspicions of drug use, but most experts believe it's simply a matter of the government investing money into the sport and pushing tall athletes to give it a try. They want a big medal haul at the 2008 Olympics in their own hometown.

The same could happen for lacrosse if the government decides they want China to be successful. Just something to think about...
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