Defendant Found Not Guilty in Double Murder Trial

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Defendant Found Not Guilty in Double Murder Trial

Postby Danny Hogan on Wed Jun 27, 2007 8:53 am ... orden.html
Defendant found not guilty in double-murder trial

Palm Beach Post Staff Report

Monday, June 25, 2007

June 25, 2007

WEST PALM BEACH — A jury today found Norman Borden not guilty of murdering two men and wounding another in a shooting he maintained was an act of self-defense.

Borden, 44, of suburban West Palm Beach fired 14 shots from his 9mm handgun at three men in a Jeep in the early-morning hours in October after a confrontation with them as he walked his four dogs in the Westgate neighborhood.

An attorney I know opined;

I watched this case closely and poked my head in on some the testimony. Every day, the sheriffs office would station 4 deputies outside the door to screen the gang members.

The prosecutor in this case made some arguments that I suspect he knew were false. The idea that a guy could reassess a life threatening situation according to what a prosecutor thinks is reasonable is flat out stupid. In almost every police shooting, the cops, who have plenty of training, typically exhaust their clips and many times do not even reassess the deadliness of the threat unless and until they are fully satisfied that their lives are no longer in danger. That means you typically get lots of rounds fired. This prosecutor knew full well that the gang members were truly dangerous, that they probably had a gun and that they had embarked upon a campaign in the Westgate neighborhood to let everyone know that they were the law and that any attempts by any residents to call the police would be dealt with severely. This guy was one of the libertarian, NRA, hate taxes type that got into it with them, walked away and even tried to walk his dogs where he thought they would not find him.

His shots were, from my opinion, a very tight grouping. He was clearly a very good shot in the most crucial of times. Once he got home and called 911, he went to jail. The rest of the gang burned down his house and when the flames were put out, bums and thieves made off with anything left of value. As he sat in jail, the County cited his home for code violations and the adjacent school sought its condemnation and foreclosure so that they could eminent domain it. The guy got death threats every day in jail and by chance, he just happened to get the Public Defender, the Public Defender. His attorney, before she was elected to her current position, used to get 300K to 500K for this type of case. She is one of the very best. She flat out outclassed, outworked and outshined a prosecutor who couldnt even keep the jury out on murder case for two hours. This prosecutor was quoted as saying the thing that really hurt him was the truth. Nice. Where was the plea offer that reflected the truth? Where was this honest assessment of a bad case before the jury made quick work of it? Now this prosecutor acts like the whole regrettable incident is at least over and he hopes that all of these gangbangers dont try to kill this guy.....again. Nice.

How can this be made right for a guy who spent 8 months in jail, lost his house and will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life?
Danny Hogan
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Postby Beta on Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:07 am

Pretty sickening to read. I really wish people in America were afraid to commit crimes.

Screw criminal "rights".
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Postby Adam G on Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:17 am

The dialogue at the bottom of the article kind of reminds me of the ending scene in "Boondock Saints" where random people on the street are being interviewed about what they thought of the Saints' actions.

Just an observation. Now, back to work.
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Postby Danny Hogan on Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:30 am

i thought that was a very entertaining part of the movie. Well done and realistic feeling.
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Postby LaxRef on Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:22 pm

Beta wrote:Screw criminal "rights".

If you really want to see criminal rights screwed, go to China. Of course, everyone else's rights are screwed, too, but that's what you get.

Everyone finds it distasteful when someone who is very likely guilty gets off on a technicality, but the alternative is putting more innocent people in jail. Don't ever forget that.
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Postby Beta on Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:26 pm

LaxRef wrote:the alternative is putting more innocent people in jail

LOTS of innocent people get convicted...I used to watch Matlock everyday...I know these things.

I was referring to the "criminal rights" when someone breaks into your house with a gun...and you have to worry about where to shoot them because they have rights too. What a load.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:08 pm

I'm assuming that the defendant used a legally registered handgun...if handguns were illegal (like in the UK where violent crime has soared), then he might have been killed or injured by the individuals in the Jeep. Score one for the 2nd Amendment.
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Postby OAKS on Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:24 pm

StrykerFSU wrote:I'm assuming that the defendant used a legally registered handgun...if handguns were illegal (like in the UK where violent crime has soared), then he might have been killed or injured by the individuals in the Jeep. Score one for the 2nd Amendment.

Or if the individuals in the jeep didn't have any guns either because they were illegal (like in Japan, where violent crime from guns is really low), and people had a bit more decency, this wouldn't have happened.

Just saying there's 2 sides to the coin. I don't really care either way.
Will Oakley
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Postby Beta on Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:28 pm

Oaks smells of beef and cheese. Just throwing that out there.
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Postby Hugh Nunn on Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:56 pm

When I was in Haiti in '95, our operation came under UN control. They sent this ridiculous looking Captain out to our base to read us the new and improved "Rules of Engagement". Phrases such as,"until fired upon" and "weapons without magazines" were the central theme. After thanking the Captain for taking the time to brief us, our Sergeant Major (Moose) saluted and watched him drive off. He then executed an about-face and advised us to worry more about our lives than about political convenience. At least we knew where we stood.

It would be great if we could all depend on the decency, faith or compassion of others. It would also be great if our government and our media did not cultivate a campaign of fear and divisiveness so we might "need" their "security."

It would be great if this guy had not needed to protect himself to this extent. Too bad Nifong wasn't the least he'd get a nice settlement.
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Postby peterwho on Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:22 am

South Florida is quickly becoming the hotbed of armed self-defense.

Customer with gun kills 1, wounds another during robbery at Plantation shop,0,1807670.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

The most interesting part of this article are the responses on the message board. It gives you a sense of the frustration with the environment in South Florida.

Every day, we read about a young man, "who was turning his life around", being killed by police when he draws a gun on them and the outrage from the _____ community at the actions of law enforcement. Only to read an article, ON THE SAME PAGE, where the same community is outraged that law enforcement isn't doing enough to prevent the drive-by killings that NO ONE EVER witnesses.
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