Team of 26 players, 2 coaches, 2 managers = 30 people
CU- 45+ team member, 4 to 5 coaches, 3 to 4 managers.
A but more people than you take into consideration.
Team of 26 players, 2 coaches, 2 managers = 30 people
This is unbelievable. I can't believe you are trying to justify picking up your marbles and going home in the middle of a tournement. When you make a committment it needs to be honored.
You guys are absolutely killing me.
UNC (& the entire B Division) got screwed by Irvine.
destroyer10 wrote:As far as I'm concerned UC Irvine players were put in a compromising position by the league.
So why all this hubbub over students choosing to fulfill their educational obligations rather than participate in games which don't matter? It could be that people are upset a bunch of guys from California pointed out to everyone else that there may be a flaw in the system.
destroyer10 wrote:It is definitely an interesting and unconventional move that UC Irvine made deciding to leave the tournament early, but their claim is legit. I have always been told that school comes first, but I know thats just me.
Why should a team of student-athletes put their educations and their futures on the line for the chance to play another game that has no bearing on the season whatsoever? That seems pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Apparently someone was going to get screwed, as our webmaster so eloquently puts it. If not "the entire 'b' division" then 18 guys jeopardizing their futures to play a few consolation games.
The league set everything up and they chose to participate in their conference playoffs and then go to nationals. They put themselves in that position. No one forced them to be in the league.
The people that play sports in college are the people that are the best at sports AND getting their education. That's the kicker. While it is "student-athlete" with the "student" being have to follow up on that second half (athlete), as well.
Im sorry, but if you can't plan ahead in college for your athletics as well as your're in for a rude awakening in the real world once you graduate when the stakes are a tad higher.
destroyer10 wrote:
It is definitely an interesting and unconventional move that UC Irvine made deciding to leave the tournament early, but their claim is legit. I have always been told that school comes first, but I know thats just me.
Why should a team of student-athletes put their educations and their futures on the line for the chance to play another game that has no bearing on the season whatsoever? That seems pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Apparently someone was going to get screwed, as our webmaster so eloquently puts it. If not "the entire 'b' division" then 18 guys jeopardizing their futures to play a few consolation games.
If this is such an issue that players have the problems you are referring to then how come this does not happen in the 'A' division.
Teams have to honor their commitments to the league, period. School is absolutely important, but I cannot think of a university in which you advised them of the situation at the beginning of the year and then told them you made the national tournament that would not back their team.
destroyer10 wrote:
There is a reason the "student" comes first in "student-athlete". What I'm wondering is why this team is being criticized for being students first?
destroyer10 wrote:
The cost-benefit analysis of the situation doesn't weigh in favor of sticking around for a consolation game.
What is so hard to understand? They are being criticized because they made a commitment when they joined the league and accepted the bid to the tournament to fulfill their end of the bargain. They chose the self-serving, selfish route and bailed on their commitments. Just try and do that in the business world (bail on your commitments) and see how fast you are fired/out of business. It's a case of living up to your word.
This excuse is just a steaming pile of doo-doo. Perhaps they didn't consider the cost/benefit of the other teams affected here. Maybe next time they should offer to pick up the tab for the other teams' expenses who got left holding the bag.
destroyer10 wrote:I don't think Irvine should have forfeited their bid and I'm glad for their sake they didn't. They won the WCLL; they earned their spot. That team traveled halfway across the country as the number 12 seed playing number 5. Hope for the best, but expect the worst guys. Essentially they traveled all the way out there to lose. To me that says a ton more about their character than sticking around to please a bunch of people who have regrets about their season.
So the lower seed should always expect to lose to the higher seed and plan their tourney experience accordingly?! Glad Northeastern (#13 over #4 UM) didn't get that memo.
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