Gait Mutant Gloves

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Gait Mutant Gloves

Postby mholtz on Tue May 08, 2007 1:55 pm

Is anyone else using the new Gait Mutant gloves this year? If so, what is your experience with them as far as quality?
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Postby Beta on Tue May 08, 2007 2:38 pm

Quality is seemingly good, I will warn you...they run very, very small. I was going to get em for my team, but they wouldn't fit anyone over 6'. Decent protection though.
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Postby Gross on Thu May 10, 2007 10:17 am

We (UST) ordered custom Mutants this year. They are decent, but there are a couple of flaws/drawbacks that we've noticed. The biggest one is that the quality or durability of the palms seems to be pretty poor. I would say that over half of our team (minimum) will need to have their gloves re-palmed during the offseason due to holes or tears. Some of it is just wear and tear over the season, but when you have guys running off the field because the palm of their glove has a apple-sized hole in it after taking a face-off, it'll make you question the quality...
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Postby Rob Graff on Thu May 10, 2007 10:48 am

Thanks for this information.

We've been with Warrior for 3 years and are presently deciding whether to "Re-up" with them or move to Gait or someone else.

Our experience with Warrior has been great - just want to see what's out there and make an informed decision.

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Postby Gross on Thu May 10, 2007 10:58 am

Does anyone know or have any experience with any other Gait gloves? After reading Rob's post I am just curious to know if this quality problem is isolated to just UST, just the Mutants, etc. I know that a big factor in us going with Gait is that having the Mutants customized was more affordable than the Brine and Warrior options.

Maybe this is the lacrosse god's way of reminding me that you get what you pay for???
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Postby mholtz on Thu May 10, 2007 3:20 pm

The reason I asked is we had the same palm problem, but we also had a problem where the cuff would break off. We bought about 10 extra pairs, and had zero left at the end of the year.

I've been working with them to resolve the issue, and their customer service is excellent. They say they have the problem fixed for 2007 model.
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Postby Andy Joly on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:46 pm

Missouri Baptist has Mutants, and after using them this fall:

Two guys with large holes in the thumb of one glove, and my goalies cuff broke off as well. Both guys have a lot of tape on their shafts too, which is what I believe is to be the cause of the wear on the palm.

I've had a couple guys with finger injuries, but a part of myself thinks that is more to do with lazy feet than glove protection.
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