Sad, sad day

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Re: Sad, sad day

Postby byualum on Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:15 am

Walter wrote:
did you make the kid do push-ups at least. Stupid seventh graders breaking sticks and the like. Come to think of it, i would kick him off the team.

No, but now that you mention it, I think they'll all run until I feel better at practice today.
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Postby Hugh Nunn on Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:34 am

Billy White Shoes wrote: You could replace your shotgun with a highwall since they're nearly identical.

Um, No. Not remotely similar.

My favorite stick was a Brine SL4 strung with double diamonds by a Tuscarora Indian that played for our team when I was in the Army. I couldn't believe the difference in that pocket. It shattered on day inpractice as I was shooting and a D-man chaecked my stick. I tried to resurrect the pockt, but I guess some things are just meant to stay dead. I was inconsoleable.
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Postby benji on Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:04 pm

I just sprained my ankle... It was my favorite one.

My brine titanium power-grip shaft, which I've had since sophomore year of High School, is finally retired. The thing is rediculously bowed out and has more dents and dings in it than I could even count. I recently tried to drill a new hole in it when I heard a long and drawn and sigh, followed by a broken power-drill and no room left for new holes. Too bad...
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Postby laxfan25 on Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:06 pm

[quote="benji"]My brine titanium power-grip shaft is rediculously bowed out quote]

Benji, it sounds to me like you have intentionally cambered your handle to gain an advantage and you are in the box for 3 minutes - non-releaseable. And the stick is out of the game!! Cheater.

I've never really understood that part of the rulebook! Cradling a bent stick is not easy, and it's hard to see how it's giving someone an advantage. Can you throw that much harder? Protect your stick from the D man because it conforms to your body? Aha!! THAT's why your shaft is bowed OUT! :lol:
Last edited by laxfan25 on Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby benji on Sat Mar 12, 2005 6:27 pm

Haha, I wisj there was some advantage to it... besides making throwing/cradling awkward, it just feels funny. Honesty I think an official would just feel sorry for me if he checked that shaft.
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