ineligible teams games played

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ineligible teams games played

Postby jefno1 on Fri May 04, 2007 11:30 pm

Just a question. If a team is ruled ineligible because of an illegal player, is that teams games wiped out for the year? Do the pollsters take that into account in ranking teams that played them, as far as wins and loses? I could see both sides of that argument. Just wondering if that is a non factor to the pollsters.
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Postby wapiti on Sat May 05, 2007 9:15 am

IMO, the games should probably not be considered. There are too many variables.............
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Postby Campbell on Sun May 06, 2007 10:14 am

I believe you forfeit the games in which an ineligible player played, not all the games of your season. Unless of course you had an ineligible player in all games. As far as rankings go...I would doubt the poll voters are doing the math on which teams are ineligible, adding and subtracting teams from the various schedules. At this point in the season that sort of calculation probably wouldn't make any difference when you consider how the poll is derived. It might be more of a factor if ineligible Team A was filling their roster with ringers. However, most eligibility issues in the MCLA seem more the result of oversight by the team admin and individual players rather than cheating.
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Postby jefno1 on Sun May 06, 2007 11:23 am

I agree that it is probably an oversight. If you discount all games that they played with an ineligible player, it sucks to be a team that won. It also makes you pretty happy if you lost.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Sun May 06, 2007 12:35 pm

As a voter, once a team is declared ineligible by its league or the MCLA, I no longer rank them. Regardless of record, they are ineligible and thus no longer relevant for the remainder of the season in which said team was ruled ineligible.
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