NHL Playoffs...

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Postby Zeuslax on Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:15 am

The Senators looked tough the other night. A lot of experience and firepower. I'm just glad I have tickets for a garunteed game 4 pens vs. sens.
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Postby JW on Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:43 pm

jessexy wrote:Tootoo.....Cheechoo, which one was the guy from the tiny village in Canada that they wrote about in ESPN the Mag.

i'm about to start humming to myself "i think i can, i think i can, i think i can....."

I think that was Jordin Tootoo, the first Inuit player in the NHL.
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Postby JW on Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:46 pm

Jay Wisnieski wrote:I'm glad that all of you can watch hockey. I don't get Versus because I have a crappy cable provider and I can't find the satellite feeds at work, so I only get SportsCenter highlights...that is until NBC shows games on the weekends.

Also, this can't be said enough:

Luckily for me the local channels that hold Stars Games (KDFI and Fox Sports Southwest) carry the games.

All that said, I wish ESPN would jump back on board, what else do they have going on right now, ARENA freakin FOOTBALL, COME ON!!!!!!!!

Kiprusoff is not helping my first round upset of Flames over the Red Wings.

And to reiterate another point - I AM A HOMER, Stars fan, die Hard, but they have the talent to win. Turco through one game has played better this playoff than any other playoff in the past.

And one more thing -- RED WINGS SUCK!!!
John Williams
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Postby `MM9 on Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:57 pm

As a pretty avid Stars fan...I agree that they have what it takes to go all the way....
they just need to put some goals in the back of the net.

And as much as I dislike the Wings, im not sure that they SUCK.
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Postby horn17 on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:08 pm

how can you be a homer for a team you stole????

Im kidding ....being a Penguins die hard my entire life (grew up in OH and Pittsburgh), and now in Minnesota - Minnesota hockey fans (not all, but alot) still cant let the Northstars go....its hysterical how many people wont go to the Wild games, because its not the Northstars...

Its funny, I have a back to back t-shirt from the Pens in the early 90s, that I can still wear... I get the dirtiest looks....

I would like to see the Pens win the cup, Im just not sure if the depth is there right now, but I would love it if they would beat the Wild in Finals
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Postby BOWSER on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:13 pm

We will see how the rest of the series develops, but it appears that the RED WINGS DONT SUCK . . .

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Postby Pinball on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:33 pm

horn17 wrote:how can you be a homer for a team you stole????

Im Minnesota hockey fans (not all, but alot) still cant let the Northstars go....its hysterical how many people wont go to the Wild games, because its not the Northstars...

I can still remember being outside the old met center with a friends dad grilling out and chanting Norm Green Sucks!!! It still pains me to watch Modano, he is a Northstar, not a Dallas Star.
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Postby Zeuslax on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:39 pm

horn17 wrote:

Im kidding ....being a Penguins die hard my entire life (grew up in OH and Pittsburgh), and now in Minnesota - Minnesota hockey fans (not all, but alot) still cant let the Northstars go....its hysterical how many people wont go to the Wild games, because its not the Northstars...

Its funny, I have a back to back t-shirt from the Pens in the early 90s, that I can still wear... I get the dirtiest looks....

I would like to see the Pens win the cup, Im just not sure if the depth is there right now, but I would love it if they would beat the Wild in Finals

Being a Pittsburgh transplant it's been fun to see the life back in the team. I remember being in Baltimore (where I don't know one person that played hockey by the way) and seeing all of the Pens jerseys in the 90's. Some of that seems to be coming back with the team now. Youth is always so popular in pro sports, and the Pens definitely don't have a lack of youth right now. Unfortunately, I think that's going to be their demise for most this first round. Hopefully they get past the Senators. They just looked manhandled the other night.
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Postby Brent Burns on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:45 pm

Pinball wrote:
horn17 wrote:how can you be a homer for a team you stole????

Im Minnesota hockey fans (not all, but alot) still cant let the Northstars go....its hysterical how many people wont go to the Wild games, because its not the Northstars...

I can still remember being outside the old met center with a friends dad grilling out and chanting Norm Green Sucks!!! It still pains me to watch Modano, he is a Northstar, not a Dallas Star.

I visited my friend in Minneapolis in the middle of March, and we were walking around the Mall of America. That was when I saw this Northstars jersey in the store window. I explained that the Northstars moved to Dallas which became the Stars.

Ok, what will the Minnesota fans do when the Wild would move up farther into the playoffs? Will they attend the Wild games?

When reading "Red Wings Suck," that reminds me of the Red Sox calling their Olde Enemy- Yankees Suck.

Go Rangers! They are now up one game over the Thrashers, but it looks like it would be a tough series.

a LSA Fan.
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Postby horn17 on Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:56 pm

Well, a local sports radio had a hockey playoff preview...and people actually called in and said that they havent paid attention to the NHL sense the Northstars left...ridiculous....The Wild sell out every game, but its weird that some supporters still have loyalties to a team that has been gone for quite some time - they sit around and talk about the good old days, but they hate the Dallas Stars.....

The town is buzzing right now with Wild fans so I wanted to clarify that there are more Wild fans than Northstar faithful - this might be the best Hockey town in the US - sorry Detriot....

Right now, its casual friday at the office.....I'm wearing my Tommy Barraso jersey....its a classic - bought at some small sporting goods store in East McKeesport in the mid 90s, still in prestine condition...
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Postby Brent Burns on Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:07 pm


Does the Wild still have that player by the name of Brent Burns on that team?

I found out about that several months ago.

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Postby horn17 on Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:16 pm

Yes they do...you should get a Burns jersey...Brent....

Hes a very nice, young, talented defenseman...offensive minded, great hands and very quick...any other similarities to you BB?
Rob Horn
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Postby Brent Burns on Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:28 pm

horn17 wrote:Yes they do...you should get a Burns jersey...Brent....

Hes a very nice, young, talented defenseman...offensive minded, great hands and very quick...any other similarities to you BB?

Looking at his picture back then and at myself, no similarities though. I do know that his first name is really William.

Anyway, back to the NHL playoff business...

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Postby JW on Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:10 pm

BOWSER wrote:We will see how the rest of the series develops, but it appears that the RED WINGS DONT SUCK . . .


Doesn't matter if they were to win the Stanley Cup - The RED WINGS suck.

As far as the North Stars - Stars debate goes. It is just unfortunate that the Stars have to suffer because of the decision of one guy. Stars fans proudly remember the history of the team. We know that they came from Minnesota, and you see a lot of Northstars jerseys at Stars games.

I think it is sad that the fans their won't support the Wild because they are not the Stars. But I guess I can understand that since the Stars are better.

Last thing for a while...

John Williams
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Postby shrekjr on Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:10 am

Stars even the series!
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