Andy Sharp wrote: with these upcoming rules it is getting ever more important to have a skilled protractition on your bench.
I am afraid we are entering an age where any ref on a mission can punish a team 3 minutes (aka 3 goals) anytime they feel like it.
The rules haven't changed at all - they've just increased the number of times per game that we are asked to check on it.
Your paranoia is also mis-directed. It is the COACHES that have requested this change - the refs are just asked to enforce the requirements that they have asked for. The biggest reason for this change is that the coaches know that there are a lot of illegal sticks out there - but are unwilling to ask for stick checks themselves, since it violates the unwritten code that it is unsporting to ask for checks on your opponents' equipment. So instead, the coaches have mandated the officials to do this for them. If a team's gear is legal, there should be no problem at all. Given your background, I assumed that you would be one of the ones that made sure that there weren't any penalties on your team - hence the wink after my comment.
Nothing would make me happier than to have a game where we don't have any penalty flags - for any reason.