Why I love the internet

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Why I love the internet

Postby bste_lax on Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:54 am

Matt Benson
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Postby Jay Wisnieski on Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:53 am

What was that and how in the world did you happen to come across it?
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Postby bste_lax on Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:11 am

No idea and I always stumble across crap like this all the time. Usually one of my bored college counterparts will IM it to me. I use to find stuff like this all the time when I was in school and bored AKA doing anything but studying.
Matt Benson
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Postby Brent Burns on Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:45 am

We have Nathan Tabb as our uslia.com graphic design suggestor.

We have bste_lax who continues to amaze us with things he comes up with when he goes across the Internet. First, he found something that would "decide" what kind of country we are, and now this one with this guy singing his mouth off...

a LSA Fan.
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Postby bste_lax on Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:28 pm

Brett, I also read and take part in a message board for Iowa Sports and they have a great Off Topic board where people post alot of this type of stuff.

I have also always been known among my friends as the guy with "no life" who finds weird links. There was a commerical like a year ago for some high speed internet where the guy found the "end of the internet" since he upgraded from 56k, friends of mine always joked around that was me.

With that all said, I am going to "go work now". :wink:
Matt Benson
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