Ideology of Evil

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Ideology of Evil

Postby DanGenck on Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:57 am

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Postby ZagGrad on Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:13 pm

I'm a born and raised Catholic. I think there are numerous problems with the Catholic church and the Pope is fueling the fire. I think it's time for a change. I don't know who the Pope's successor is, but I'm hoping for someone young and liberal--more accepting to the way life is conducted in the 21st Century.
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Postby byualum on Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:35 pm

Pretty there a higher power that dictates good/evil or is it a concept that the population controls?
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Postby Brandon Carlson on Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:50 pm

Pretty there a higher power that dictates good/evil or is it a concept that the population controls?

Excellent post...I'm going to agree with the latter. It is easy to label that which we do not understand as evil. It means that we don't ever have to try to understand.
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Postby DanGenck on Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:51 pm

That is a good question. I would say the population has been deciding of late.

I must say the only reason I brought this topic up was that I found "ideology of evil" to be a rather harsh term. Regardless of how people feel about gay marriage, do we really believe (and are we prepared to have our stance be) that gay people are in some way evil? What does this say about our society? Or better yet, about our image of God?

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Postby Pinball on Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:53 pm

Is this the liberal media trying to put a negative spin to create more anger and dismay towards the catholic church? Even though i havent picked up the book yet (and probably never will) i would assume that it is written in Italian, Latin or another classic language, not English. Could this be one jounalist interpreting an Italian word and converting it to what he wanted it to mean?? A journalist wants his stuff read so of course he is goign to try to use impact words like "evil". If you read the whole article it focuses mostly on the Holocaust issue brought up by the book, not gay marriage.(the headline is very misleading)

Sorry Zag Grad the new pope will not be young and liberal. If i am correct the new one is chosen out of the Cardnials and most of those fellas are pretty old and formely appointed by John Paul II.

Yes the catholic church needs to be reformed but it will not happen in the Vatican it will happen first in the individual parishes and rise up the chain of command.
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Postby DanGenck on Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:36 pm

I believe the article states that the Pope calls Gay Marriage one of several institutions that are hurting society and specifically family structures. I would go back and cite from the article, but you all have the link and can check it out. Believe it or not, English majors get sick of citation every now and again...

I am still interested in hearing what people think of the image of God. I feel that saying things like "Ideology of Evil" certainly points toward old testament God... is this the best way to go?
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Postby ZagGrad on Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:43 pm

Yes the catholic church needs to be reformed but it will not happen in the Vatican it will happen first in the individual parishes and rise up the chain of command.


I am still interested in hearing what people think of the image of God. I feel that saying things like "Ideology of Evil" certainly points toward old testament God... is this the best way to go?

I think as times have changed, so to has the concept of God. During biblical times, God was potrayed as a vengeful, non-forgiving spirit, who you did not want on your bad side. This is why Jesus was born: to switch the people's belief to God being a forgiving, compassionate, father figure. It seems now, as some people become more accepting to certain life-styles or ways of life, so to does their image of God.
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Postby Kyle Berggren on Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:07 pm

The book is warning us of the direction we are heading. It is trying to pull on our heart strings by citing the holocaust, and letting us know that the Germans elected Hitler to power. I'm sure the book references Bush and the MiddleEast.... Seem like it could be an interesting comparison of history of what we view as evil, and how the world is progressing.

If it does apply to our image of God, Chris would have hit my opinion on the head.... but my view of the Catholic Church's track record is much more cynical. Seems like just recently the Catholic church has become sypathetic to the masses, but the Vatican's view may be turning just like the people's. Christianity is supposed to be compassionate, and non-judgemental, yet we judge everyone....

The best book on religion that I have read, Karen Armstrong's, Battle for God. Takes a look at issues from a Christian, Muslim, and Jewish point of view, switching at the chapter. It's really amazing how similar the views are, but how far apart we typically believe them to be.... Besides the history and development of the religions being compared and contrasted. I've got a copy if anyone is intersted.
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Postby byualum on Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:55 pm

ZagGrad wrote:I think as times have changed, so to has the concept of God.

Interesting choice of words. Yes, the "concept" of God has changed, but the Bible states that God is unchanging. I think too often we try and make God/some supreme force conform to our lifestyle. If there is a supreme force/God, shouldn't we spend our lives trying to conform to Him/it?

As DG would say, just my $0.02.
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Postby DanGenck on Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:15 pm

"If there is a supreme force/God, shouldn't we spend our lives trying to conform to Him/it?"

Good call, but what if you struggle with some (or maybe, a lot) of the things religion tells you? For example-

I would tend to see God as all loving or a father figure. But according to the bible, God seems to feel that gays are in some way evil or better put, the act of gay sex is evil. Now that I have read the bible, my image of God has been shattered.

So what do I do? My image and feelings of God seem to stray from what the bible says...

Quite the rock/hard place feeling.
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Postby ZagGrad on Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:33 pm

My opinion and mental image of God changes every time I speak with a different Priest or Jesuit. I agree with byualum that we should conform to an image of God and I think people do that to an extent...people create a nice, comforting, fatherly image of thier god based on what other people have told them or what they have studied and learned. Thus the "My God would never allow..." etc. approach. People do that because they don't want to conform to what the Pope, or some other hierarchial being, is telling them to believe. I know a few gay people and have worked with some as well; however, I'm not into that sort of thing. I believe differently than the Pope, thus creating my own image of God. My God accepts all people regardless of sexual preference. With that said, how do I, or can I, conform to what the Pope preaches?
Chris Shogan

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Postby Danny Hogan on Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:52 pm

not trying to debate here or there but

is there anyone here who can give me the exact verse or part of the bible the directly references homosexuality. Everyone seems to toss that around and maybe someone who is a little more familiar with the bible can throw that out there for me.
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Postby Brandon Carlson on Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:15 pm

Leviticus 18:22 is the only one that I am finding off hand("You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.") Though, I believe this passage should be taken with a very large grain of salt. Leviticus is a list of rules of the time period when it was written (approximately 2500 years ago). Remember, Leviticus also says that no one can have contact with a woman while she is menstrating (Lev. 15:19) (I am going to go out on a limb and assume that it would be impolite to ask every woman you talk to in a day if she has her period) and tells us that shellfish are detestable (but so darn delicious) (Lev. 11:12). If anyone else has others I would love to hear them.
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Postby Danny Hogan on Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:53 am

thanks brandon
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