
The 2013 tournament returns to Greenville, SC this May.

Postby Gregg Pathiakis on Wed May 03, 2006 9:03 pm

laxmom wrote:There are 10 x 10 tents that are available for rental (approx $175.00 for the week). Check out the U.S. Lacrosse site and see "team check list" for details on how to obtain.

If these are just canopies, for $90, you could buy one (a 12x12) at WalMart and bring it home with you.



If they are the same as the ones last year, they also have walls I believe.
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Postby semilaxed on Wed May 03, 2006 11:49 pm

If you can't play in the same conditions as your opponets you don't deserve to win and your not the best team. Anyone that has lived in the southern US has played games in the mid 90's. Just be happy Texas has low humidity so with proper hydration there is no excuse to over heat.
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Postby lax is cool on Thu May 04, 2006 12:48 am

the only heat that anyone will see is the heat comeing from Justin Combs shot. what do you guys think he is shooting these days....140, 160, 180? i dont know..the sky is the limit!
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Postby gomontucky on Thu May 04, 2006 3:11 am

heat is a factor, and teams who practice/live in it have a distinct advantage. that's it. it's called getting acclimated. our griz football team went down to texas last year and got killed, guys puking on the sidelines. then the texas boys came up to montana and we stomped them. it's not a cop-out and certainly you can prepare for it, but you southern boys would be similarly out of your element if you played in a snow storm up north. i for one am anticipating several heart attacks on my part this next week. it is nice it won't be too humid (knock on wood). please save me from some story about how you played above the artic circle and loved it to prove me wrong here.
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Postby Blue99 on Thu May 04, 2006 10:30 am

Soooo i guess people wont be upset about morning games this year?
Anyone can beat anyone on any given day..
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Postby Has No Left on Thu May 04, 2006 11:28 am

Muscle cramps will also be an issue. The cause of muscle cramps is believed to be caused by inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue over time (like four games). Intense heat, dehydration and loss of electrolytes (salt and minerals) also contributes. As TrainerDan knows, the BYU football trainers have been using pickle juicewith some success over the last two years in preventing muscle cramps. Don't laugh, some swear by it and no longer use the commercial electrolyte products.
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Postby TrainerDan on Thu May 04, 2006 11:53 am

Has No Left wrote:Muscle cramps will also be an issue. The cause of muscle cramps is believed to be caused by inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue over time (like four games). Intense heat, dehydration and loss of electrolytes (salt and minerals) also contributes. As TrainerDan knows, the BYU football trainers have been using pickle juicewith some success over the last two years in preventing muscle cramps. Don't laugh, some swear by it and no longer use the commercial electrolyte products.

Amen to this. We use pickle juice with our football players and have dramatically decreased the incidence of muscle cramps during activity. Not to mention that even during competition a few swigs of pickle juice by someone who is cramping can help alleviate those cramps very quickly.
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Postby Rob Graff on Thu May 04, 2006 1:59 pm

We've been using Pedialyte (cut) between games. Many of the professional hockey teams use it in their preparations for playoff games due to the intense and closely spaced games.

It seems to work well.

Rob Graff
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Postby Bluevelvet on Thu May 04, 2006 3:22 pm

TrainerDan wrote:Amen to this. We use pickle juice with our football players and have dramatically decreased the incidence of muscle cramps during activity. Not to mention that even during competition a few swigs of pickle juice by someone who is cramping can help alleviate those cramps very quickly.
What kind of pickle juice?
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Postby BallinOnAbudget on Thu May 04, 2006 4:38 pm

^^haha.. :wink:
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Postby TrainerDan on Thu May 04, 2006 5:02 pm

Bluevelvet wrote:
TrainerDan wrote:Amen to this. We use pickle juice with our football players and have dramatically decreased the incidence of muscle cramps during activity. Not to mention that even during competition a few swigs of pickle juice by someone who is cramping can help alleviate those cramps very quickly.
What kind of pickle juice?

Just regular dill pickle juice. Don't use sweet pickle juice, to much sugar, just regular dill pickle juice. We usually try to find some restaurant that will let us drain the juice from their big tubs of pickles or you can take straight from a jar of pickles from the store. Either way is ok.
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Postby Bluevelvet on Thu May 04, 2006 5:19 pm

Thanks, Dan. UCSB has one player, that I know of, that suffers calf cramps almost every game. He eats bananas, hydrates, with water and gatorade, takes salt pills etc. So now we'll try pickle juice and pedialyte, in addition.
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Postby TrainerDan on Thu May 04, 2006 5:22 pm

Bluevelvet wrote:Thanks, Dan. UCSB has one player, that I know of, that suffers calf cramps almost every game. He eats bananas, hydrates, with water and gatorade, takes salt pills etc. So now we'll try pickle juice and pedialyte, in addition.

LOL...well he should drink a small dixie cup about 2/3 full about 45 min. prior to game time and then take a few swigs periodically during the game, especially if he feels cramps coming on. Just don't let Coach Lamb here at BYU know you got the idea from me...LOL
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Postby Rudyfan on Thu May 04, 2006 5:59 pm

That's got to be a first, a BYU guy pushing Kosher Dill Pickle juice. . . :lol:
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Postby Hugh Nunn on Thu May 04, 2006 6:30 pm

Bluevelvet wrote:Thanks, Dan. UCSB has one player, that I know of, that suffers calf cramps almost every game. He eats bananas, hydrates, with water and gatorade, takes salt pills etc. So now we'll try pickle juice and pedialyte, in addition.

If you happen to know anyone in the military who is in the medical field, see if you can get something called Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS). Its a foil packet that you mix with one quart of water (size of an issue canteen). Drinking one of these will go a long way towards dealing with any cramping or dehydration, in general. The downside is, it tastes like what I would imagine drinking sweat would be like. By the way, it's the best thing this side of an IV for hangovers, so get extras.
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