by WaterBoy on Tue May 02, 2006 1:14 am
Actually, if I had a recommendation for the points, it would be that you make the points for deciding the games start lower...
i.e. first round 10, second 15.... so on.
That way, picking a successful team will have more weight the further they get into the tournament, and first round picks (which will be the easiest, if there is such a thing this year) will have a lower weighted contribution overall.
As it is now, there are this many potential points in each round:
1- 160
2- 100
3- 60
4- 35
By lowering the starting value to 15,
1- 120
2- 80
3- 50
4- 30
By Lowering to 10
1- 80
2- 60
3- 40
4- 25
I guess it all depends on what you want to have more weight- do you want a lot of people around the same value, with the winner being very close to the pack (barring massive tournament upsets), or do you want values that are more spaced out? This was simply my initial reaction when I saw the point allocations- but to be fair I didn't participate last year or pay attention to the distribution of scores.