Governor Dummer Academy

Governor Dummer Academy

Postby Brent Burns on Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:38 pm

I was reading an article in which the Governor Dummer Academy's Board of Trustees decided to drop the name "Dummer" from the school's name. That came from reading (Houston Chronicle). That led me to wonder if there are any GDA alum playing in PCLL or in other USL MDIA conferences.

a LSA Fan.
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Postby Gregg Pathiakis on Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:21 pm

I know there have been in the past.. not sure if there are anymore. I just remember inputting roster after roster after roster and seeing them once or twice.

Speaking of name changes.. first my high school goes from Red Raiders to Raiders while I am there due to Native American pressure... now my college has dropped the moniker "Chieftains" for the same reasons. Getting to be way too much.
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Postby Dan Warren on Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:02 pm

Ben Dodge is a GDA guy.
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