GRLC Div. A Tournament Race

GRLC Div. A Tournament Race

Postby A.J. Stevens on Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:57 am

Here is an up-to-date list of Div A records against required GRLC teams

Team-----------Record-----Opponents left
Lindenwood-----5-0--------Iowa & Illinois State
Missouri---------5-0--------Illinois & Illinois State
Illinois State----4-0--------Iowa, Lindenwood & Missouri
Illinois-----------3-2--------Washington & Missouri
Kansas----------2-3--------Missouri State & Kansas State
Kansas State---2-4--------Kansas
Missouri State--1-4--------Kansas & Nebraska
Iowa-------------1-4-------Illinois State & Lindenwood
Nebraska--------0-6-------Missouri State
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Postby Maverik on Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:07 pm

Sounds to me like the top 3 teams will shuffle out this weekend:
Illinois State @ Lindenwood and Illinois State @ Mizzou

So this might be the closest comparison between Mizzou and Lindenwood so far since the two don't play each other. Also Illinois State could make an even bigger name for themselves by road trip wins against both.

Anyone underneath those three don't seem to be a lock for playoffs so who knows what will happen.

My prediction in no order:
Mizzou, Lindenwood, Illinois State, Wash U, Illinois, and the 6th spot is a toss up, but Missouri State will probably squeak in.
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Postby pstirling on Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:45 pm

I don't think I can discount Illinois at this point. I think the Illinois - Missouri game is going to be a great one. I also think Illinois has as good a shot at winning the GRLC tournament as any team other than Lindenwood. They always seem to step up their game come tourney time.

I think what Illinois State is doing this season is great, and I hope I'll be able to see at least one of their games this weekend. They should be some great games as well.
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Postby TheLoo on Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:10 pm

Maverick, there's no chance LU will loose to Illinois State. Looks like the winner of the Kansas v Kansas State game will knock the looser out of playoffs. Also, Illinois and Illinois State should be ranked above Missouri and I am sure they will both beat Missouri. Missouri has an easy schedule compared to LU so thats not a fair comparison. The west side of the bracket is way easier.

My prediction for playoffs is:

Lindenwood (7-0)
Illinois State (5-2)
Illinois (5-2) but lost to ISU
Missouri (5-2) but will have lost to both ISU and ILL
Wash U (3-4)
Missouri State or Kansas at 3-4

Then Wash U will beat Missouri and Illinois will beat whoever. Lindenwood will take Illinois again in the rematch. Also when does Iowa play ISU?
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Postby bste_lax on Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:14 pm

TheLoo wrote:Also when does Iowa play ISU?

They were suppose to play this past weekend but due to the tornado that hit Iowa City, they were unable to to play.

I have no clue on a make up date but I am guessing it would have to be this upcoming weekend.

*Note, I am not a spokesperson for Iowa on this, just a washed up alum who still follows the team closely and updates their web site whenever I get updates from them.
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Postby pstirling on Mon Apr 17, 2006 3:50 pm

no need to play the games, the Loo hath spoken.

Seriously though, I think the rest of the league is a lot closer to Lindenwood than you think. Talentwise, Lindenwood is definitely on top in the GRLC but they seem to play down to their competition or their competition plays up to them. Wash U had a great shot at an upset against them, and Lindenwood's man down defense was the difference in that game. I think Illinois State can definitely give Lindenwood a game, especially if they have a solid EMO.

As far as Missouri goes, they have quite a few freshmen who are making a big impact this year, a solid defense, and a great goalie in Doug Mayer, and I think they are vastly improved from even the start of the season. Their biggest weakness was their youth and inexperience, but they've had a couple season's worth of experience with the quality opponents on the road trips they took earlier in the year. I'm intrigued to see how they compare with Illinois and Illinois State. I think all the games this weekend involving these 4 teams will be close and fun to watch. I wouldn't count Wash U out of anything at this point either, because when they are playing their best, they can play with any team in the GRLC.
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Postby LAXFAN on Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:01 pm

TheLoo wrote: Missouri has an easy schedule compared to LU so thats not a fair comparison.

I dont really understand that

Missouri's schedule includes 6 teams in the top 25
LU's schedule includes 5

Missouri played 3 teams in the top 10
LU played 1

TheLoo wrote:Then Wash U will beat Missouri and Illinois will beat whoever.

A fairly bold prediction if Wash U plays Missouri who they lost to earlier and if Illinois plays ISU who they lost to earlier.

Pretty interesting predictions. By the way, Lindenwood beat Illinois by 2, Illinois lost to ISU by 3, that would put ISU +1 on Lindenwood by using common opponents. I wouldn't say "there's no chance LU will loose to ISU" but hey, you did call LU over Michigan by 3.
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Postby Matt_Gardiner on Mon Apr 17, 2006 7:13 pm

I am surprised that people worry so much about the Loo's predictions. If you read between the lines, the Loo is predicting ISU's conference schedule will end with either of the following happening...

ISU loses to Iowa and LU, while beating Mizzou.


ISU loses to Mizzou, while Mizzou simultaneously also loses their game to ISU.
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Postby iamthewall on Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:10 pm

LAXFAN wrote:
TheLoo wrote: Missouri has an easy schedule compared to LU so thats not a fair comparison.

I dont really understand that

Missouri's schedule includes 6 teams in the top 25
LU's schedule includes 5

Missouri played 3 teams in the top 10
LU played 1

TheLoo wrote:Then Wash U will beat Missouri and Illinois will beat whoever.

A fairly bold prediction if Wash U plays Missouri who they lost to earlier and if Illinois plays ISU who they lost to earlier.

Pretty interesting predictions. By the way, Lindenwood beat Illinois by 2, Illinois lost to ISU by 3, that would put ISU +1 on Lindenwood by using common opponents. I wouldn't say "there's no chance LU will loose to ISU" but hey, you did call LU over Michigan by 3.

I think The Loo means mizzou has an easier schedule within the confrence.
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Postby kschuh5 on Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:35 pm

MU Conference Schedule: KU, K State, Nebraska, Iowa, Wash U, Missouri St., Ill, Ill St.

LU Conference Schedule: KU, K State, Iowa, Wash U, Missouri State, Ill, Ill St.

Identical conference schedules (with MU playing 1 more game, against Nebraska) and both undefeated. MU has Ill and Ill St., and LU has Ill St. and Iowa. There it is, so unless your saying MU's conference schedule is easier because they play an extra game, I don't understand how that can be an easier schedule. Not that any of this matters. Like my man Woody Paige would say, "Look at the schedule!"

Now if there was only some sort of tournament at the end of the season that could decide who is the best team in the GRLC. Some sort of Conference tournament.
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Postby SMSlax on Mon Apr 17, 2006 10:55 pm

KSchuh, these clamours for your precious "tournement" are perposterous(sp?).
However, I can offer some insight into who may come out on top of this GRLC conference. As a d-mid for MOST, I've had the job of chasing Mizzou and Ill. State players up and down the field, and also the honor of chasing LU players, who by the way, smell way sweeter than everybody else (kinda like sugar and strawberry oatmeal), and I can tell you one thing for sure. They are all fast. Not to knock LU, but I've seen it with my own two feet, Mizzou kids and Ill. State kids are also 20 something years old, also athletic, also capable of running off a pick. With all this in mind, I can state concretely that yes, someone will win the GRLC. Who? I have no idea.
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Postby iamthewall on Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:14 am

kschuh5 wrote:MU Conference Schedule: KU, K State, Nebraska, Iowa, Wash U, Missouri St., Ill, Ill St.

LU Conference Schedule: KU, K State, Iowa, Wash U, Missouri State, Ill, Ill St.

Identical conference schedules (with MU playing 1 more game, against Nebraska) and both undefeated. MU has Ill and Ill St., and LU has Ill St. and Iowa. There it is, so unless your saying MU's conference schedule is easier because they play an extra game, I don't understand how that can be an easier schedule. Not that any of this matters. Like my man Woody Paige would say, "Look at the schedule!"

Now if there was only some sort of tournament at the end of the season that could decide who is the best team in the GRLC. Some sort of Conference tournament.

I am not in agreement with the loo in saying that mizzou had an easier schedule than Lindenwood, i was only trying to use some reason. My mistake for asuming something about another person's comment. But i will say that the Big 12 divsion does not have the same amount of competition as the Big 10 division. And as for the one extra game for mizzou, it was against Iowa, which should not factor into this arguement since for most of the game the backups were in and rumored to be pulling up. I would say that MU and LU schedule's difficulties are the same, niether played the toughest team from the other division.
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Postby Blue99 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:15 am

I believe that either LU or Mizzou is going to lose to Illi state, which one i dont know, but if they dont, and both go undefeated, how do you determine the 1 seed?
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Postby kschuh5 on Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:42 pm

The extra game for MU is against Nebraska, but that doesn't matter. I guess I just misinterpreted what you were saying. I agree with you that the schedule difficulty is even, and assuming things about others comments is kind of difficult (especially theLoo). As for the tourney, should be a good one. I've seen the 3 of the top 5 play (not Ill or Ill St.). Not a lot is seperating Wash U, MU and LU. LU looks to have the top talent, but can be beat. I am eager for these teams to play so we can stop yappin about how many top ten teams a team has played.
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Postby A.J. Stevens on Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:45 pm

kschuh5 wrote:The extra game for MU is against Nebraska, but that doesn't matter.

The extra game is Iowa. Nebraska is a required Big 12 game for Mizzou.
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