AIRTERP wrote:But let's be honest with call the voter system in place now "sound" or to make comments like "if it ain't broke..." is overlooking the truth. Is our current system perfect? No. Will it ever be perfect? No. But could it be better? Absolutely. Could it be a lot better? In my opinion YES, it could be improved quite a bit. As I said it will probably never be perfect but I think we should be trying to take steps forward and strive for that perfection. Aim for the stars and you'll shoot the moon.
I see a lot of criticism of the current polling system, but I have yet to see one
concrete, viable proposal of a system to replace it. The fact is, that given the resources of this league, the current system of 30 regional, pretty well-informed pollsters is about as good as you're going to get.
Instead of criticizing, why not design something that will work better with the limited resources that this league has? Until that time, we have to assume that these complaints are probably emanating from the supporters of teams who are on the outside of the bubble looking in. . . . . . .trying to find a way in.