by KnoxVegas on Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:18 pm
Whenever I get upset, I remember the words my mother-in-law said to me upon our moving to Moline: "Welcome to Western Illinois." I have yet to be flagged and I strictly enforce that myself and our speaking captain are the only two who address the refs, unless spoken to first.
Like two generations of Minnesota Twins fans, who have grown up thinking that baseball should be played indoors and in an atmosphere akin to the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones and The Raiders of The Last Ark, some people believe that this is the way officiating should be. THe refs we had this past weekend were the "best" crew I have seen in my one plus years of coaching in the GRLC.
Until heaps of east coast transplants arrive arrive on their white horses to rescue the game, the officiating is what it is. Sure, I see slashes and cross-checks that go uncalled all the time. I see sloppy mechanics, too. Sure it would be great to have three refs at all games, not just the A games but this is the best we can do at this point. Money and bodies are at a premium. Not to make a blanket excuse for the refs, though.