How do I stick check?

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Postby Lax_Stats on Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:04 pm

All great responses guys! Was this player by any chance struck by lightning during the game? If so, that could have caused the head of his stick to heat up and pinch. But seriously folks, there is only one illegal stick penalty that earns a 1:00 penalty and that is for having a deep pocket. Everything else is 3:00. If you have more than 1 violation on the same stick, you only call one penalty and with the exception of the deep pocket, the sick is removed from the game. That solves the possibility of any subsequent penalties on that particular stick during that game.

It is wise for a coach to instruct his players to constantly check their sticks throughout the game. Most players sub out at some point and that is a great time to check their stick as well as in between periods. Anything can happen during a game to cause a stick to become illegal, so the best bet is to never assume your stick is still legal and keep checking it to be on the safe side.
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Postby Brendan Barry on Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:59 am

This might have been stated earlier, but I don't understand why refs want to flip the stick over on face-off middies. I understand that if the ref see's the ball get caught he might want to check it, but should he ever flip it over to see if the ball gets caught?
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Postby laxfan25 on Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:24 pm

That's not part of the stick check package - I've never seen it done.
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Postby TexOle on Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:38 pm

There is no rule saying that having the ball stuck back there is an illegal stick. Sticks are meant to be played using the front of the stick. It is however with holding from play. So if a face off man does get it stuck there you might give a second to release it, but if he plays with it, then blow it dead and give the ball to the offended team.
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Postby Lax_Stats on Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:04 pm

That is the "plunger" move and it is an immediate whistle and award the ball to the opposing team if the ball gets stuck in the back of the stick on a face-off! There is no giving the player a second or two to dislodge the ball.

Page 35 A.R. 11 2006 NCAA men's lacrosse rule book
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Postby TexOle on Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:17 pm

You are correct. I had forgotten that it just changed. Occasionally the player does this and immediately shakes the ball out, but most of the time a player will do something to continue to play with it back there.
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Postby LaxRef on Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:28 pm

Lax_Stats wrote:All great responses guys! Was this player by any chance struck by lightning during the game? If so, that could have caused the head of his stick to heat up and pinch. But seriously folks, there is only one illegal stick penalty that earns a 1:00 penalty and that is for having a deep pocket. Everything else is 3:00.

There are two stick penalties that are 1:00 NR under NCAA rules. One is deep pocket. I've never seen the other one called, but it's in the book. What is it? :D
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Postby Lax_Stats on Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:58 pm

Don't make me come out there LaxRef!!! :lol:
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Postby Lax_Stats on Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:00 pm

Strings of a hanging length longer than 6 inches that a player refuses to cut to a legal length. There, happy now?? LOL :shock:
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:07 pm

Could it be:

A.R. 4. During game, an official inspects the equipment of a player and finds that the
longitudinal weaving of the crosse is not firmly attached to bottom edge of the throatstop
construction. RULING: One-minute non-releasable penalty must be served.
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Postby LaxRef on Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:30 pm

Lax_Stats wrote:Strings of a hanging length longer than 6 inches that a player refuses to cut to a legal length. There, happy now?? LOL :shock:

That would be a USC, I believe, not an illegal crosse penalty. The distinction is mostly unimportant, except that if I catch a player with long strings after he was warned, and if that player just scored a goal, the goal does not come off the board.
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Postby LaxRef on Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:31 pm

cjwilhelmi wrote:Could it be:

A.R. 4. During game, an official inspects the equipment of a player and finds that the
longitudinal weaving of the crosse is not firmly attached to bottom edge of the throatstop
construction. RULING: One-minute non-releasable penalty must be served.
Crosse, if adjusted, may be returned to the game.

Yes, that's it!
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Postby Lax_Stats on Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:16 am

Better check again boys! Dont make me prove I'm right! LOL
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Postby Lax_Stats on Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:24 am

LaxRef, I'm pretty open minded. Convince me that the following should be an USC and not an illegal crosse.

Strings of a hanging length longer than 6 inches that a player refuses to cut to a legal length.
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Postby LaxRef on Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:13 am

Lax_Stats wrote:LaxRef, I'm pretty open minded. Convince me that the following should be an USC and not an illegal crosse.

Strings of a hanging length longer than 6 inches that a player refuses to cut to a legal length.

You can probably make the argument either way, because the A.R. states:

[quote=NCAA Rule 1]A.R. 11. A1 has strings on his crosse that have a hanging length greater than 6 inches. RULING: Officials shall instruct A1 to cut the strings to the proper length. If A1 does not, a one-minute, non-releasable penalty shall be assessed.[/quote]

It does not say it is an illegal crosse penalty, and it does not say it is a USC. Heck, I'd bet you could even call it a generic "equipment penalty" since those are 1:00 NR as well. However, the key is that the hanging strings—in the opinion of the rules committee—do not provide an advantage. If they did, there would be no warning, just a penalty and the goal, if just scored, would come off the board.

The way the rule is written now, A1 could score, Coach B could call for an equipment check, you could find the strings 10" long, and there would be no penalty and the goal would stand, but A1 would be warned to cut the strings. This, to me, is the same as a stick with the butt end not properly covered: I'm going to warn you not to bring it on the field until it's fixed, and you're going to fix it or I'm giving you a USC for not following orders.

I'm not saying you have to call it a USC. But I think it would be wrong, if A1 scored again and his strings were now 6.25", to disallow the goal.
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