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Postby MinesGoallie45 on Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:31 pm

TrainerDan wrote:I was the Athletic Trainer for BYU the past 2 seasons. We have a good setup here in that the lacrosse program has enough money to pay a stipend to a certified athletic trainer, whether they be a graduate student or just work with lacrosse part time. The athletic training program at BYU is great and we have a lot of undergraduate student trainers that work with teams in order to gain experience. I have had a student assigned to work with me over the past 2 years and we are able to provide coverage at every practice and game for the team. We also travel and take care of the team on the road as well. We have regular rehab hours in our own club sports training room. We have arranged with a local sports medicine clinic to have doctor coverage for our team and they try to have a doctor at each home game. For any of the teams in the RMLC you had a chance to experience our sports medicine team this past spring at the RMLC championships.

For those who struggle with adequate coverage I would suggest meeting with your intercollegiate trainers and discuss how you can rectify this problem. There are also most likely clinics in your area that have ATCs or PTs that can help. If you all have any additional questions about how we do things here, let me know.

And thats the difference between a D-1 school and a D-2 school that doesnt care about athletics.....
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Postby Nick on Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:39 pm

I guess we're somewhat lucky. We don't have any medical facilities, locker rooms, or the money to pay for a real trainer but there's a grad assistant to our club sports director who is trained and certified that does our games for free.
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Postby bste_lax on Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:55 pm

When we play at the Bubble, we are across the street from the Hopsital. Mizzou last year had a kid mess up his knee (ACL or MCL sprain/tear). Got him over there via ambulance.
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Postby mntrainer on Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:51 am

As the trainer for the u of mn, I volunteer my time to the team. The Duluth trainers also do this and have been able to set up a good system of treating and rehabing injuries. The Duluth trainer has worked very hard to set up contacts with sport medicine physicians, which are very interested in learning the sport of lacrosse. We are hoping to establish a similar program at the U of Mn, being that it is my first year with this team.

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Postby canders23 on Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:48 am


Don't you mean "athletic" trainer?
Chad Andersen
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Postby Dulax Trainer on Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:30 pm

I work with the Duluth Lacrosse Program as their trainer ... We also have a physical therapy student who takes care of all the rehab for the team. The U of M trainer and myself are NOT "certified athletic trainers" but have done numerous years in doing sports medicine cares and treatments. Primarily the USA Soccer Cup .. which is held at the National Sports Center in Blaine. I have been doing this now for 17 years, and I volunteer my time to the Duluth Lacrosse Team. I have been working extensively with Minnesota Athletic Sports Medicine and getting Doctor's affiliated into the sport of lacrosse. I have had numerous Doctor's willing to donate time to the sport, just don't know how to get them more involved.

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LU Trainers

Postby Troy Hood on Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:37 pm

Lindenwood University has an accredited Athletic Training program that provides coverage to our games and practices. They will also be covering our Invitational this weekend.

It's great to have these young men and women available to handle our injuries. Add that to the fact that two of our players are in the program and that makes things easy for road games.

When I was with Wash U - STL, we hired trainers from the outside. It was well worth the extra money to have someone on hand to take care of the team. I would advise all teams, when financially viable, to include this expense in their pre-season budget.

Troy Hood
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