Better idea - put the meeting off 2 weeks and let's have it here in Nac when SFA plays NSU. You are riding the bus up to T-Gate right???
Bring that monstrosity of a gumbo pot and the boat paddle y'all have and we'll cook and have the meeting in the parking lot and then go to the game. Think we can get Karl to go along with it?
Buff, you make me laugh hard! Now that the Shreveport US Lacrosse clinic has been moved from that weekend to Dec 10th, I do have that date open. I just might make the trip.
FOR THOSE IN TEXAS THAT THINK YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY....WORRY AND PRAY. Katrina was weaker than this one (Rita is now gusting 200mph) and it did not slow to a tropical storm until it had gone through Louisiana and half of Mississippi. Don’t wait till Friday to get prepared…Get the heck out of dodge now!!! Go North!!
Good place to track: