For each one, answer flag down, play-on, or immediate whistle (more than one action may be appropriate):
(1) The ball is loose. A1 pushes B1 in the back.
(2) The ball is in possession by A1. A2 slashes B1.
(3) The ball is loose. A1 slashes B1.
(4) The ball is in possession of A1. B1 goes offsides.
(5) The ball is in possession of A1. A2 goes offsides.
(6) The ball is in possession of A1. B1 illegally bodychecks A2.
Note: this is intended for novices. If these all have obvious answers to you, hold off for a day or so.
Quiz: Flag down, play on, or whistle?
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Sonny wrote:NCAA, Federation, or Club Rules?
The answers will be the same for NCAA and NFHS (although there's one slight enforcement difference not relevant to what we're testing here). I can't imagine club would be any different.
LaxRef - All-America
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Re: Quiz: Flag down, play on, or whistle?
LaxRef wrote:For each one, answer flag down, play-on, or immediate whistle (more than one action may be appropriate):
(1) The ball is loose. A1 pushes B1 in the back.
immediate whistle & posession to B?
LaxRef wrote:(2) The ball is in possession by A1. A2 slashes B1.
immediste whistle
LaxRef wrote:(3) The ball is loose. A1 slashes B1.
play on
LaxRef wrote:(4) The ball is in possession of A1. B1 goes offsides.
flag down
LaxRef wrote:(5) The ball is in possession of A1. A2 goes offsides.
immediate whistle
LaxRef wrote:(6) The ball is in possession of A1. B1 illegally bodychecks A2.
flag down
cgarrigues - Premium
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Re: Quiz: Flag down, play on, or whistle?
cgarrigues gets 4 out of 6 correct. I won't say which ones were wrong so other people can give it a shot or so cgarrigues can try to correct his answers.
LaxRef - All-America
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sculaxcoach wrote:I believe these are the missing two
Question 1: play on
Question 3: immediate whistle
You are correct. There are a few key questions:
First, is the ball loose or in possession?
Second, is the foul a personal or technical?
Finally, if the ball is in possession, is the foul by the team with possession or not?
A loose-ball technical foul (like a push) is a play-on, while a loose-balll personal (like a slash) is an immediate whistle.
Any foul, personal or technical, by the team in possession results in an immediate whistle.
Any foul, personal or technical, by a team when the other team has possession is a flag down.
LaxRef - All-America
- Posts: 1381
- Joined: Tue May 17, 2005 7:18 am
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