Origin of the word for "penny" in reversible penny

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Origin of the word for "penny" in reversible penny

Postby Brent Burns on Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:13 pm

I know what reversible pennies look like, but I am just terribly curious as to how the concept of "penny" have to do with the reversible jerseys. I am sure the word "penny" must have came out of someone's mouth many years ago, and that idea caught on.

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Postby onpoint on Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:54 pm

I always thought it was "pinny" though I don't have any more clues as to the origins of the word.
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Postby Brent Burns on Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:04 pm

Following up on onpoint's comment on "pinny", I decided to google that word and found two resources. The first link below is from the UK and the second reference is quite interesting. I will allow those links to be self-explanatory. Back to the first URL link, I think it sounds plausible for why we say "penny" or "pennies". Anyway, here they are:



Thanks, onpoint, for giving me the clue to do further research. I don't think this is really up bste_lax's alley to find any random link related to pinny. :wink:

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Additional url link

Postby Brent Burns on Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:10 pm

I went ahead and did another google search by typing "reversible athletic pinnies" and found a site. It is interesting that some of us spell them as reversible pennies, so actually we should have been saying "pinnies". Whatever! We know what the person is talking about. :)


I am assuming that we got the idea of "pinny" coming from some kind of dress or frock way back before our time and carried that over to the athletic world.

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Postby UofMLaxGoalie11 on Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:43 pm

well if it is penny then i dont know why mine keep disappearing when i lend them out cause they could go get their own for cheap. over all the years and about 5 pinnys later i only have 1 left... i got some from camps too... :(
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Postby lil lady lax fan on Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:40 pm

UofMLaxGoalie11 wrote:well if it is penny then i dont know why mine keep disappearing when i lend them out cause they could go get their own for cheap. over all the years and about 5 pinnys later i only have 1 left... i got some from camps too... :(

Dan Dan Dan...It's supposed to be a PENNY for your thoughts, not a PINNY... :lol:
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