DirecTV (any opinions?)

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DirecTV (any opinions?)

Postby davidheyburn on Sat May 28, 2005 5:41 pm

I'm moving into an apartment after graduation and wondering if anyone has an opinion on DirecTV. Good, bad indifferent?

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Postby Kyle Berggren on Sun May 29, 2005 12:15 am

I say good, but you'll here both ways...

On average, cable is out more than direct tv.

Digital cable is more analog than digital. The digital refers to the tvguide, not necessarily the channels. They actually use less bandwidth than many of their analog channels, and the picture turns out worse. Sound can be better depending on how they do it.

Direct TV may not work in your apartment because of the direction it will need to face, besides the fact many apartments won't allow the dish to be permanently mounted. You have to pay extra for local channels if you'd like them (typically). If you're looking HD, Direct TV is by far the best way to go right now. Not all HD programs, channels, TV's, and providers are equal. The same channel, ESPN for example, on Comcast HD, on the same set as Direct TV's ESPN, the ESPN looks better.

I worked at a highend Audio/Video store for quite a while, it's been about a year, but we actually kept a few DLP's, LCD's, Plasma's, and big screens wired like this to display the difference. Some people couldn't see it, others said they'd never go with Comcast again.

I won't get started on Customer service, but lets just say I use Direct TV.
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Postby LaxGuru on Sun May 29, 2005 12:21 am

I've used Comcast digital cable for the last few years and my cable has never gone out. The On-Demand has been slow loading every once ina while but that's about it.
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Sun May 29, 2005 9:10 am

I just moved and my apartment complex won't allow a direct tv dish so i have comcast. I dont' know what your saying about customer service but so far I have been really happy with them, doesn't hurt that we have a designated rep for our apartment and I have his cell phone number 8-)
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Postby laxinatl on Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:36 pm

definitely a good idea
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Re: DirecTV (any opinions?)

Postby Sonny on Thu Jun 02, 2005 12:38 pm

davidheyburn wrote:I'm moving into an apartment after graduation and wondering if anyone has an opinion on DirecTV. Good, bad indifferent?

Very good. The DirecTiVo package with the Sports Pack will keep you hooked up with all the lacrosse you could every want. MAJOR thumbs up.
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Postby Mike Militello on Thu Jun 02, 2005 4:28 pm

I love going home to my parents house to watch their Direct TV. I think its a great deal. The only problem is that we dont get a signal if it rains but maybe thats just a Miami thing...
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Postby Kyle Berggren on Thu Jun 02, 2005 5:02 pm

That's an installation thing.... I live near Seattle, and never had an outage, including snow, rain, hail, wind, clouds, whatever.... I'd have the installers come back out and get a stronger signal.
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Postby Sonny on Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:20 pm

cjwilhelmi wrote:I just moved and my apartment complex won't allow a direct tv dish so i have comcast.

That is illegal. The smaller dishes are approved for apartment/condo use and are expressly approved by the FCC. All you need is a clear view of the Southern sky (from your apartment) and you can get it. Apartment and condo residents have successfully won their right to have Satellite dishes, even when their complexes do not permit their installation.
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Postby Weberlax12 on Sat Jun 11, 2005 1:01 pm

Mike Militello wrote:I love going home to my parents house to watch their Direct TV. I think its a great deal. The only problem is that we dont get a signal if it rains but maybe thats just a Miami thing...

My Parents Dish had that same problem. it was the transponder in the dish, or whatever you call the thing in front of the dish. It dryrotted or something and cracked, and then water got in to it and it wouldnt work till it dried out again. so this last winter when it iced up they had it replaced. Not a problem since.
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