NFL Draft

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Postby Brandon Carlson on Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:51 pm

Minnesota can move to two and take Edwards

I really would rather the Vikings take Williams. However, there is a reason that I am not coaching a professional football team.
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Postby batman on Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:00 pm

No Rogers, no Smith. The Niners will take Edwards with the first pick and use him to draw Matt Leinart with the first pick in supplemental draft in June. Why would Matt want to come back to USC with everyone leaving. He will file for the supplemental draft.
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Re: draft

Postby AlumniLax on Fri Apr 22, 2005 3:47 pm

GeorgiaLacrosse wrote: i really hope we don't get rogers from auburn because i watched him in the sec this year and i wasn't too impressed eventhough he is much better then he was last year

-Go Skins

your kidding me right? look at what happened to your poor ugay team this year when you all went after the "unimpressive" rogers in our endzone. INT!! rogers is a great cb, his side was thrown to FAR less than rosegreens and pitts. facts are facts and "pollacks motor never stops" is getting old.
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Postby laxative on Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:29 pm

Why would Matt want to come back to USC with everyone leaving. He will file for the supplemental draft.

The only place Leinart is going is back to the Rose Bowl for another National Championship.
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Postby AlumniLax on Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:15 pm

laxative wrote:
Why would Matt want to come back to USC with everyone leaving. He will file for the supplemental draft.

The only place Leinart is going is back to the Rose Bowl for another National Championship.

hahaha. i just spit my beer out. that was funny. usc will be lucky to end up there. they will be a two loss team and the pac-1 will return to the back of the pack in ncaa football.
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Postby laxative on Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:39 pm

hahaha. i just spit my beer out. that was funny. usc will be lucky to end up there. they will be a two loss team and the pac-1 will return to the back of the pack in ncaa football.

Yeah you're right, USC isn't looking that good. Only returning a Heisman QB, Heisman finalist RB, an experienced O-line, and a killer defense. :shock:
As for returning to the back of the pack, try counting up the national championships and Heismans. You gotta be kiddin' me.

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Postby WyoPoke on Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:41 pm

With what they return? I could coach that team and they'd only finish with two losses. Pete Carroll is an amazing recruiter and he's been able to stockpile talent despite being unable promise nothing more than that a kid will get a fair chance to play. Not only can Carroll recruit he can flat out coach and he surrounds himself with good people which is a huge part of the equation of being a successful head coach.
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Postby AlumniLax on Sat Apr 23, 2005 1:05 pm

i'm glad the both of you all agree with me. two losses, if that, is possible with a new o.c., just like i said. they wont be in the rose bowl. write that down. and as for the cute picture, i think the result would have been much different this year.
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Postby KerrLax on Sat Apr 23, 2005 4:42 pm

Wait, you think Auburn would take USC this year? I highly doubt that since their whole team left. Name some of the stars on that team last year who are still playing for the Tigers. I can't really think of any.
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Postby AlumniLax on Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:57 pm

im sorry... im talking about the orange bowl which was in JANUARY of this year. the outcome would have been different. im not claiming national champ. for auburn this year by anymeans, im just thinking that its funny how those at usc think they will end up at the rose. funny
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Postby WyoPoke on Sat Apr 23, 2005 9:42 pm

I'd be quite stunned if USC didn't win it all again this year.
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Postby Jay Wisnieski on Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:06 pm

Can you believe my Broncos picked Maurice Clarett in the 3rd round? I boo-ed that picked quite immediately.
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Postby WyoPoke on Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:04 am

Could be the Broncos' next great late round back. Guess we'll see if he's escaped his past. That tops Aaron Rodgers' fall as the NFL Draft story of the day in my mind. Though I never expected Rodgers to fall out of the top five let alone the top 23, I most certainly never expected Clarett to go higher than the sixth round.
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Postby DanGenck on Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:47 am

[quote="WyoPoke"] That tops Aaron Rodgers' fall as the NFL Draft story of the day in my mind. Though I never expected Rodgers to fall out of the top five let alone the top 23,[quote]

Aaron Rogers is getting a much better deal by going to Green Bay then a crappy team like Miami. This way, Rogers can learn from Brett Favre and actually have some hope of winning someday. Sure, it will cost Rogers playing time (to start) and a big signing bonus (to start)... but at least he's on a winning team.
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Postby WyoPoke on Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:41 am

I agree that he's in a much better situation as far as having a year or two to learn from one of the all-time best what it's going to take to be a successful NFL quarterback.
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