More fun from Obama's church

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More fun from Obama's church

Postby Sonny on Fri May 30, 2008 1:23 pm

This time a white priest. Fun on the Southside of Chicago. Make sure you guard your 401K's....

Obama is naturally deeply disappointed..... Let me guess - He has been going to this church for 20 years now and this is the first time he's ever heard of this going on?
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Postby KnoxVegas on Fri May 30, 2008 1:56 pm

What, the Rachel Ray-wears-jihadist-scarves thread was too much to start? Michelle Malkin would not be proud.

Is it still political correctness run amok when the Right does it?
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Postby StrykerFSU on Fri May 30, 2008 2:26 pm

Sonny, how dare you Swift Boat the Senator! You may think that Sen. Obama was there for all 20 years of the sermons at Trinity Church but I prefer to think that he was only there for the sermons that weren't about the politics of victimhood or reparations. How dare you make this debate about things that are said in his church of the last 20 years! You know, the one he just gave over $20,000 to.

But seriously, that's pretty awesome. Next Wednesday, when I'm defending my dissertation that represents 7 years of research working for peanuts I'll remember that the only reason I'm in that position is because I'm white and I am entitled.
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Postby Adam Gamradt on Fri May 30, 2008 2:39 pm

"As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us," Obama said in a statement Thursday.

"That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause." ... index.html
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Postby UkraineNotWeak on Fri May 30, 2008 2:55 pm

Why don't they just rename it the Church of Obama? He seems to control everything that goes on there. God forbid any of you attended Ted Haggard's church. I would accuse you of all sorts of things that Republicans find offensive, like being a meth head and engaging in discreet homosexual activity. I thought only Democrats had those markets cornered? Can somebody honestly give me an answer as to how he is any different than Falwell or Robertson?

Rev. Wright and his ilk have nothing to do with the Democratic party and are unwelcomed guests by the majority of people. Republicans had two charlatans (one of whom is thankfully deceased) running their political agenda and still to this day play an influential role within the party. I think it's safe to say that, whichever side of the aisle you fall, one can agree you can get away with anything under the title of "Reverend."
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Postby StrykerFSU on Fri May 30, 2008 3:01 pm

UkraineNotWeak wrote:Why don't they just rename it the Church of Obama? He seems to control everything that goes on there. God forbid any of you attended Ted Haggard's church. I would accuse you of all sorts of things that Republicans find offensive, like being a meth head and engaging in discreet homosexual activity. I thought only Democrats had those markets cornered? Can somebody honestly give me an answer as to how he is any different than Falwell or Robertson?

Rev. Wright and his ilk have nothing to do with the Democratic party and are unwelcomed guests by the majority of people. Republicans had two charlatans (one of whom is thankfully deceased) running their political agenda and still to this day play an influential role within the party. I think it's safe to say that, whichever side of the aisle you fall, one can agree you can get away with anything under the title of "Reverend."

A gross generalization, offensive, and false.
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Postby UkraineNotWeak on Fri May 30, 2008 3:06 pm

So, Republicans don't try to win the Christian Right? Jerry Falwell was a good man? Which part?
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Fri May 30, 2008 3:07 pm

That guy is more of a comedian than any preacher.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Fri May 30, 2008 3:22 pm

UkraineNotWeak wrote:Why don't they just rename it the Church of Obama? He seems to control everything that goes on there.

No one claims that Obama controls anything that happens in that church, but as he is it's most famous parishioner, his long personal relationship with Rev. Wright, and his history of financial contributions to the church taken in conjunction with his effort to attain the highest office in the land; maybe what happens at that pulpit is relevant to our national discourse.

God forbid any of you attended Ted Haggard's church. I would accuse you of all sorts of things that Republicans find offensive, like being a meth head and engaging in discreet homosexual activity. I thought only Democrats had those markets cornered? Can somebody honestly give me an answer as to how he is any different than Falwell or Robertson?

Having never step foot in one of their churches or listened to one of their sermons I can't comment. However I can say as a Republican I don't find meth heads or homosexuals offensive. And I would fundamentally disagree with anyone that judged them otherwise.

Rev. Wright and his ilk have nothing to do with the Democratic party and are unwelcomed guests by the majority of people.

When I see the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination appearing with Rev. Wright, borrowing lines from his sermons, and referring to him as a spiritual mentor then I would say he is relevant whether the DNC likes it or not. I realize that Sen. Obama has recently disavowed himself of the Reverend but in my opinion it took an awfully long time and his explanation thus far has been unsatisfactory.

Republicans had two charlatans (one of whom is thankfully deceased) running their political agenda and still to this day play an influential role within the party.

I think you grossly overstate both the influence and importance of the Christian Coalition. I also find it exceedingly distasteful that you would refer to a human being as thankfully deceased, but that's just me.

I think it's safe to say that, whichever side of the aisle you fall, one can agree you can get away with anything under the title of "Reverend."

While I think that preachers of any stripe should not be allowed to talk about politics from the pulpit (they should lose their tax exempt status), I happen to have a great deal of respect for those that serve any church and particularly like the Monsignor at my parish here in Tallahassee and can't agree with your statement.
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Postby UkraineNotWeak on Fri May 30, 2008 3:57 pm

And Hagee and Parsley? Not one topic has been started by a person on this board regarding these two frauds and their association with John McCain. It's only when a black guy hangs out with a religious impostor that such things are brought up. Calling the Catholic Church a whore is perfectly acceptable apparently. Now, let me guess, you are going to say that you disagree with such a statement, correct? Then why do you not start a thread sharing such a sentiment? Fair and balanced, my friend.
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Postby KnoxVegas on Fri May 30, 2008 4:17 pm

Don't forget that God sent Hitler to be a hunter and force the Jews to Palestine. Sen. Lieberman is going to be a speaker at an event later this month where Hagee is another speaker.
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Postby StrykerFSU on Fri May 30, 2008 4:26 pm

I really don't want this thread to devolve into an exchange between you and me but as a matter of fact, I don't agree with Rev. Hagee. And while I do love these message boards, I don't feel it necessary to post my opinion on every bit of minutiae that crosses my screen nor do I ever claim to be fair and balanced because I speak only opinion and make no attempt to present news.

As for Sen. McCain's thoughts on Rev. Hagee:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) today rejected the endorsement of megachurch pastor and ardent Zionist John Hagee after learning of a sermon in which Hagee posited that Nazism was God's will.

"Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them," McCain said. "I did not know of them before Reverend Hagee's endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well."

McCain on the Sen. Obama's relationship with Rev. Wright:
"I have said I do not believe Senator Obama shares Reverend Wright's extreme views. But let me also be clear, Reverend Hagee was not and is not my pastor or spiritual advisor, and I did not attend his church for twenty years,"

Now that distinction may or may not be adequate and we can, and likely will, debate it and others until November. If you feel that some news story isn't getting the requisite attention feel free to bring it on but don't insinuate that others are giving tacit approval of something just because we don't start a thread criticizing it.

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Postby jayjaciv on Fri May 30, 2008 4:31 pm

Every time I go to church, I don't listen to a word my pastor says, but I still put five bucks in the "give us money" box. That doesn't mean I agree with him, that just means that I go to that church and I support the good things the church does (Habitat, community outreach stuff).

I find this constant harping on these preachers to be boring and pointless. Obama needs to go to a church or he would be vilified for not being Christian, or at least not Christian enough. Obviously a long time ago he found a congregation he liked and decided to stay, as do all people who attend church. He can't change churches now or he would be accused by the right of some sort of religious obscenity I can't begin to comprehend (what is the Jesus-fied equivalent of flip-flopping?).

All I'm saying is that this is, to repeat, boring. Find something of substance to complain about.
Here are some tips: health care, national security, social security, global warming/energy, etc.
You can find weak points in Obama's policies regarding all of these. Go crazy.
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Postby JW on Sat May 31, 2008 3:34 am

jayjaciv wrote:Every time I go to church, I don't listen to a word my pastor says, but I still put five bucks in the "give us money" box. That doesn't mean I agree with him, that just means that I go to that church and I support the good things the church does (Habitat, community outreach stuff).

Man, I hope the pastor of your church doesn't read this. He would feel terrible. But seriously, if you don't listen to the Pastor's sermons how is it that you know what the church supports. Habitat and community out reach are essential Biblical foundations, but so is sound Biblical teaching and discipleship, which is the Pastor's job.

I really feel bad for Obama. This is the church that he goes to and takes his family to. A church that he has supported and trusted as a member, and they are making a fool of themselves. The Catholic preacher who mocked Hillary was totally out of line, and as a Christian I am embarassed by his attitude.

Preachers should not be involved in Politics. Religious leaders of the Church in the United States have abused the platform in which God has granted them to push their agenda, or the party's agenda, when what God wants is to push His agenda. God has already determined the things that are to come, but the mystery is how we get there. It is unfortunate that religious leaders feel that it is their position to put God into politics, when God is above politics. God doesn't play politics.

The thing I love about the seminary I attend (Dallas Theological Seminary) is not only is it recognized world wide as one of the leaders in evangelical theological training, is that it does not use it to push political agendas. The leaders of the seminary push God's agenda (to be witnesses to the ends of the earth). They have met with Chinese leaders, have been instrumental in the growth of the Church in Communist China, but it's not because they smooze the diplomats, its because God is using them to do great things.

It is my hope and prayer that Religious Leaders stay out of politics and focus on the true meaning of their calling. To serve the Living God.
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Postby Jana on Sat May 31, 2008 4:09 pm

The last time I checked, churches allowed people of all political stripes to attend - Democrat and Republican, Green Party and Communist, Libertarian and Nonvoters.

IMHO the Catholic problem with child abuse is far more appalling - indeed criminal. What Obama's former pastor said is just exercising freedom of speech to spout of on subjects that he chooses. What the Catholic church did was criminal behavior by failing to report priests and putting them in positions to abuse other children. But we don't hold all Catholic politicians responsible, and do not criticize them for failing to leave their churches. I'm pretty sure there were politicians attending Catholic churches when the abuse was going on.

Off my soap box, gotta to ref a middle school jamboree this afternoon....
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