Hidden Ball Trick - Blatant Cheating

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Postby laxfan25 on Thu May 22, 2008 9:57 am

Chris Larson wrote: Good luck ever seeing it called though :wink:

Ditto that!

Beta, are you aware of this section of the rulebook?

A.R. 10. May a player use the portion of the handle of his crosse that is between his hands to hold an opponent? RULING: No.
A.R. 14. B2, with gloved hand over end of the crosse, is exerting equal pressure from the rear against A1, who has possession of the ball, thus preventing A1 from advancing toward goal. RULING: Legal play.
A.R. 15. B1, with gloved hand over end of crosse, is exerting pressure from the rear against A1, who has possession of the ball. B1 exerts enough pressure to force A1, against his will, to move away from goal. RULING: Holding by B1. Only equal pressure may be exerted.

Why would they have these specific A.R.'s in the book if they didn't want them called? If they were called as often as the occur we wouldn't get such looks of incredulity when they are called on rare occasion (usually when the attacker is shoved so hard with the stick between the gloves that they actually fall down).

Of course it would help if they actually went back to enforcing THIS part of the rulebook...

Note: A player in possession of the ball who holds his crosse against any part of his body, thus preventing the normal dislodgment of the ball, is illegally withholding the ball from play. The glove hand cannot grasp any portion of the head of the crosse. This is intended to cover faceoffs and a player in possession of the ball who is “thumbing” the ball or choking up and grasping the plastic portion of the crosse.

A.R. 64. A1, with possession of ball, is dodging B1, and slides his upper glove hand above handle and on to the head of the crosse so that the thumb of the glove is touching the frame of the stop. RULING: Withholding ball from play, technical foul.

How about it - should we go back to playing by the rules?? :?: :roll: :evil:
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Postby Beta on Thu May 22, 2008 10:10 am

laxfan25 wrote:Beta, are you aware of this section of the rulebook?

No, I know nothing about the rules and niether do the refs apparently...because having 1 inch of space between your gloves on the stick when you are keeping a player out never gets called...not even in GA...not even by Sonny :lol:
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Postby laxfan25 on Thu May 22, 2008 10:29 am

Beta wrote:
laxfan25 wrote:Beta, are you aware of this section of the rulebook?

No, I know nothing about the rules and niether do the refs apparently...because having 1 inch of space between your gloves on the stick when you are keeping a player out never gets called...not even in GA...not even by Sonny :lol:

If it was just 1" I'd be pleased! :) It's the shoulder-width section of gleaming titanium pressed against the back of the attacker that gets me, and as with the grasping of the head - I got tired of swimming upstream a few years ago on making these calls, and now just "don't" enforce it equally at both ends of the field.
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Postby Beta on Thu May 22, 2008 10:36 am

[quote="laxfan25]If it was just 1" I'd be pleased! :) It's the shoulder-width section of gleaming titanium pressed against the back of the attacker that gets me[/quote]

If you could figure out a way to get my defenders to stop doing that (without tasers)...you'd be a rich man down here :lol:
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Postby laxfan25 on Thu May 22, 2008 10:47 am

Beta wrote: If you could figure out a way to get my defenders to stop doing that (without tasers)...you'd be a rich man down here :lol:

Ahh, perhaps the screams of "Don't tase me, bro!!" are just the deterrent we need!

Seriously, it would take the NCAA making these Points of Emphasis again to have any chance of resurrecting their enforcement, and those are driven by the coaches. Unless they want to see a change it won't happen and will just be standard defensive and offensive techniques.
I just wish the one-item rules guide that seems to be handed out at every game could be expanded! I get very tired of the yells of "WARD!!" whenever an attackman even moves his arm, after he's gotten pummeled repeatedly with D-sticks on the arm and shoved in the back to be "held off". :roll:
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Postby John Paul on Thu May 22, 2008 10:48 am

There are a lot of rules in any rulebook for any sport that are not enforced to the letter. If they were, basketball would be nothing but a free throw competition from start to finish and holding would be called on every single football play. In lacrosse, at least at the college level where I'm most familiar, we should be taking our lead from the way D1 is played and officiated. From time to time the officials get points of emphasis when the rules committee determines that a certain rule should be enforced more strictly or in a different way. Unless that happens, we all need to coach and officiate in context with the current trend of how the game is being played.

In a perfect world a rule book would have specific rulings covering every situation that might come up, but no such rule book exists - at least for contact sports.
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Postby laxfan25 on Thu May 22, 2008 11:26 am

John Paul wrote:There are a lot of rules in any rulebook for any sport that are not enforced to the letter. If they were, basketball would be nothing but a free throw competition from start to finish and holding would be called on every single football play. In lacrosse, at least at the college level where I'm most familiar, we should be taking our lead from the way D1 is played and officiated. From time to time the officials get points of emphasis when the rules committee determines that a certain rule should be enforced more strictly or in a different way. Unless that happens, we all need to coach and officiate in context with the current trend of how the game is being played.

In a perfect world a rule book would have specific rulings covering every situation that might come up, but no such rule book exists - at least for contact sports.

I know exactly what you speak of, JP. I went down to Notre Dame and watched their playoff game with Colgate. What impressed me most was the way the teams played defense - it was much more a matter of good positioning and backup and much less about "throwing the lumber" as is often the case with less-skilled teams.
Obviously there is much more that is allowed at the college level,and one of the problems is that the middle school and high school kids see this and expect the same leniency, and they are neither deserving of it or able to handle it. If it is allowed all hell breaks loose because of the lack of maturity and restraint that comes from being a youth.
I'm very capable of calling games with current trends, but there are also teams that take those trends to the limit and beyond.
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