Webcasts help....

The 2013 tournament returns to Greenville, SC this May.

Webcasts help....

Postby Sonny on Sat May 17, 2008 12:25 pm

Couple of suggestions and reminders....

1. The video stream doesn't not begin until approx. 8-10 minutes prior to faceoff. The D2 game is a 1:30pm CT faceoff today while the D1 game faceoffs at 7 pm CT.

If you login before that time, you will get an error stating that "An Error Has Occured". That doesn't mean there is any problem with the webcast.

2. If you are MACINTOSH user, please confirm you can view the TEST stream before you purchase. Windows Media Player for MAC should work OK, but a small number of folks have had problems:
Test out your internet connection for FREE BEFORE you buy. Fire up Windows Media Player. Go to the File/Open URL menu and insert this URL: http://onyx.streamguys.com/demo_locked/pinball.wmv
Make sure you don't have any trailing spaces on that URL link.
Username = demo
Password = demo

3. Remember that your username and password are CaSe SenSItive.

We received a lot of positive feedback and the TV production is VERY, VERY good with lots of slick features and replays of key plays. Thanks.
Last edited by Sonny on Sat May 17, 2008 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sonny on Sat May 17, 2008 12:28 pm

One last thing.... If you haven't made your purchase YET and are going to buy today, I suggest your order and run the TEST video stream early. Don't wait until the last second.

Again, you will need a stable HIGH speed internet connection. Tons of folks waited until the games started last night and they had some unforseen problems on their end which impacted their viewing of the games.
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Sat May 17, 2008 12:31 pm

Except for a few technical things it went very smooth yesterday. I was with my old college coach and we put it up on a nine foot projector.

I had fully expected to hear the voice of Elsmo but found the smooth banter of Sonny and Ken very relaxing :shock:

A lot of our LU guys are coming over to my apt tonight to watch on my TV.

Great job guys.
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Postby OAKS on Sat May 17, 2008 1:05 pm

As you're signing up, please do not use your email address as your username. For some reason the program we are using doesn't like @ and . in the username and it isn't working sometimes when you log in.
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