AndyP wrote:Actually, Curtis Manning was artificially created by a mad scientist. In order to do this, the scientist sent a baby Manning into the most debilitating extremes of planet earth, where he would be killed by the harsh environment or vicious creatures that inhabit it. Each time, Manning's remains were harvested and used again, to create a better, stronger version of the last. In short, the mad scientist was using the method of cloning to accelerate the evolution of the being he was creating. Through decades of this process, the being which would eventually become Manning was forced to endure the agony of death, thousands upon thousands of times; the memory of these countless deaths was recorded in his genes and drove him to hate all life. That is the origin of Curtis Manning.
Really, I heard a different rumor.
When he was born, like all SFU Clansmen, he was inspected. By the time he could stand, he was baptized in the fire of lacrosse. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. In service to SFU lacrosse, it is the greatest glory he can achieve in this life. He was tossed into the wild, with only a knife to build a lacrosse stick, left to pit his wits and will against nature's fury. It was his initiation. His time in the wild. For he would return to his Clansmen, or not at all. And so the boy, given up for dead, returned to his Clan. To the sacred grounds of SFU, a captain! Captain Curtis Manning.