WCLL Playoffs 2008

Postby SoCalLaxDoctor on Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:18 am

slider wrote:The alternative would be to have the playoffs in one weekend at one location. Possibly Thurs/Sat/Sun. That would be the easiest way for the playoffs to be seeded. The league should try to have the best championship weekend possible and showcase the best teams in the league.

Now this is the most sensible thing I have heard on this subject yet. I also think Will's idea of a North and South Division makes sense given the current number of teams and cost considerations. The final four could alternate between N and S each year. :D
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Postby WCLLPREZ on Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:56 am

As president of the league I really appreciate all the support and following of the WCLL on these message boards. I have been a member of the league's Board of Directors for about 20 of my 23 years coaching and can honestly say we have gone through many league alignments and playoff scenarios during that time.

There are a tremendous number of variables that need to be taken into consideration when we meet as a Board each year to bring back recommendations to the entire body of team representatives each fall. Not just in regards to the playoff structure but also in the league alignment, new teams, problem teams, championship weekend and MCLA demands etc. What you all must be aware of is that "the WCLL" is controlled by the member institutions who all vote on these recommendations and topics. The BOD doesn't make all the decisions nor place edicts down to the teams as to what takes place each season.

This past fall we tabled the discussion on league alignment changes in order to allow the MCLA to make their decision on what constituted teams for each Division. We felt this was needed prior to trying to tackle the daunting task of how to distribute the teams fairly keeping in mind both competitive and geographical considerations. It isn't as simple as some think to just move teams around (ie. UCSB to the Central and Cal to the North, as one proposal has suggested). We fully expect that San Jose State and UNLV will be forced to moved to Division 1 in the next few years (again depending upon MCLA rules). That would add another team into the Central and would allow us to move a Central team to the North. If we were then to add UCSB to the Central, we would just shift the inequity that is present in the LA Division to the Central division.

At the last annual meeting, the Board was tasked to create several committees to look into the realignment and playoff structure issues. Seeding of the quarterfinals and then reseeding the semifinal teams were discussed as well but consensus couldn't be reached in the single afternoon meeting.

So in conclusion, I would appreciate that all of you please allow us to do our jobs and help guide the conference. We appreciate your input but there are proper vehicles and pathways to direct that input rather then bashing the "all inclusive league" on the message boards. Feel free to email me directly at gjpodesta@msn.com if you have any specific questions ro suggestions. Please don't PM me through this website, it only goes to my email anyway so I don't need the extra work right now!!

To Catlax Man, Craig is correct and there was actually a post earlier in this thread that accused or suggested the BOD of sitting in a back smoke filled room and coming up with these policies and did indeed imply that there was collusion to harm some teams in the league. I am too tired to actually go back in the thread and find it.
Gary Podesta
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Postby iDinosaur! on Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:10 am

Here is your quote

SoCalLaxDoctor wrote:Sounds to me like smoke filled room stuff, and not any way to run an Operation! This is play offs folks. Seeding should mean something like they do in the Big Leagues. Is the WCLL looking to imitate AYSO or the NCAA ? Where is my juice box and fruit roll up?

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Postby CATLAX MAN on Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:53 am

Yeah, I didn't go far enough back in the the thread. I saw it after I made that post. It was out of line.

That being said, I still think there isn't any reason why the topic shouldn't be discussed. Obviously, none of this discussion is binding on the league representatives. Discussion allows those that are not privy to all of the information that might be out there to learn of the complex issues surrounding them.
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Postby AIRTERP on Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:30 pm

Hmm...I'm sorry everyone, I thought I was on the Colleglax.us message board. More specifically I thought I was in the WCLL discussion board. My mistake.

Certainly won't make the mistake of discussing a hotly debated topic among the fans, players, coaches and parents again...at least not on the WCLL MESSAGE BOARD!
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Postby Kadillac on Sun May 04, 2008 11:15 am

Arizona State v. Chapman today for the Final. Great day for lacrosse. Not sure on Westfall's status. If anyone has heard word, let us know.
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Postby WallyLaxFan on Sun May 04, 2008 3:12 pm

Anybody know the final of the Biola vs. UCSC game?
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Postby biola_defense on Sun May 04, 2008 7:52 pm

Biola - 15
UCSC - 3
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