I guess my big issue comes from the immediate assumption that some outrage has been committed. Why is it an outrage? Is it because it was black man on the day of his wedding and an 88 year old black woman gunned down in her home? It certainly sounds that way when that's all we hear- I think that a raised eyebrow at the least would be a sound reaction.
What about when it's reported leaving out the description of the suspects? A person was killed by officers after trying to run over police officers with his vehicle, and a person was killed by officers serving a warrant after they opened fire and wounded three officers.
I really enjoy it when someone posts on the board and makes me say to myself, "Yeah, that's what I've been thinking but I didn't even know it." Waterboy, I salute you.
You can blame the lack of real gun control in this country and you can blame the war on drugs but I don't think you can blame racism for what happened in Queens or Atlanta.
Life Lessons of 2006:
Not having stripper parties reduces your risk of being accused of rape.
Not running over a police officer reduces your risk of being shot.
Answering the door rather than opening fire on police lengthens life expectancy.
Getting up when ordered to by police reduces risk of electric shock.
Edit Warning (I had to add this)
Study or be sent to Iraq.