Do the Obamas hate America?

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Do the Obamas hate America?

Total votes : 49

Postby Timbalaned on Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:03 pm

Zeuslax wrote:Doesn't the bible say one should not worship false deities?

Don't talk to Catholics about that one, they love other deities
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Postby Steno on Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:50 pm

Timbalaned wrote:
Zeuslax wrote:Doesn't the bible say one should not worship false deities?

Don't talk to Catholics about that one, they love other deities

Depends on the Catholic. And anyway, the Trinity is supposed to be different sides of the same (three-sided?) coin, and all those canonized folks you're referring to are merely wandering Bodhisattvas sitting sesshin and spreading the Way and waiting for satori.....

wait, I got confused.
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Postby ineedmorecowbell on Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:19 am

UkraineNotWeak wrote:

Good point. However, (1) George H.W. Bush is a war hero, and (2) he is not a Muslim like Obama.

oh please, please, please be joking. i truly hope that there is some sarcasm flying over the top of my head. if there is, you should take your act on the road, mister. the college kids love that kind of stuff! you'd make millions of dollars! that's like seven euros!

and just in case you are not joking--obama is not muslim.
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Postby UkraineNotWeak on Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:25 am

and just in case you are not joking--obama is not muslim.

Why would I joke about such a matter? The future of our country is at stake.
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Postby Highheat on Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:51 am

ineedmorecowbell wrote:
UkraineNotWeak wrote:

Good point. However, (1) George H.W. Bush is a war hero, and (2) he is not a Muslim like Obama.

you'd make millions of dollars! that's like seven euros!

That's what our country should really be a little more worried about...despite the fact that i found this line extremely funny...
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Postby Timbalaned on Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:32 am

Steno wrote:
Timbalaned wrote:
Zeuslax wrote:Doesn't the bible say one should not worship false deities?

Don't talk to Catholics about that one, they love other deities

Depends on the Catholic. And anyway, the Trinity is supposed to be different sides of the same (three-sided?) coin, and all those canonized folks you're referring to are merely wandering Bodhisattvas sitting sesshin and spreading the Way and waiting for satori.....

wait, I got confused.

Add in the Virgin Mary and tell me a story about that and I might be convinced... no wait I really won't
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Postby KnoxVegas on Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:38 am

ineedmorecowbell wrote:you'd make millions of dollars! that's like seven euros!

Pay the man, Shirley!

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Postby cecilc on Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:27 am

ineedmorecowbell wrote:this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen.

You know, I've seen this thread pop-up a lot on the "Recent Threads" listings, but never looked at it until now ....

I must say, I totally agree with the above statement ...

UkraineNotWeak wrote:Why is it the dumbest thing? Can you elaborate? Type "Obama hates America" on Google and you receive a ton of hits from reputable news sites and blogs discussing this very issue. I think it is crucial in determining whether or not this man and his family can be trusted.

Google "McCain hates America" ...
Results 1 - 10 of about 348,000 for mccain hates america. (0.29 seconds)

Google "Clinton hates America"
Results 1 - 10 of about 820,000 for clinton hates america. (0.18 seconds)

This is beyond "stupid" ....
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Postby Timbalaned on Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:39 pm

Rough life Ethan
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Postby Beta on Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:59 pm

Barry Badrinath: Oh man, that's the most disgusting thing I've ever drank.
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