2008 NCAA Rules Posted

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2008 NCAA Rules Posted

Postby LaxRef on Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:25 am


http://www.ncaa.org/library/rules/2008/ ... _rules.pdf

Yes, those appear to be women's sticks on the cover.
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Postby Sonny on Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:39 am


Season starts in what 5 weeks for some of our teams.
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Postby LaxRef on Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:41 pm

This is the first year I printed the rule book correctly on the first try, so I thought I'd share. This will get you a double-sided version using the whole page, which is much easier to read than the mini-version in which the books come published.

Getting started: To print out the 2008 NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Rule Book on 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper, first download the file from

http://www.ncaa.org/library/rules/2008/ ... _rules.pdf

and open the .pdf file in Adobe Acrobat.

Cover page: In Acrobat, choose “File > Print.” Type “1” in the “Pages box,” and set “Page scaling:” to “Fit to printable area.” Click “Print.” Put this in the “cover” slot on your notebook.

Odd pages: In Acrobat, choose “File > Print.” Type “2-112” in the “Pages box,” set “Subset:” to “even pages only,” and set “Page scaling:” to “Fit to printable area.” Click “Print.” (Note: because of the cover, the pages labeled with odd numbers are actually even-numbered pages in the .pdf file.)

Handle paper: When the odd pages finish printing, set aside page 111, then put the printed pages back in your printer’s paper tray. It is up to you to determine the correct orientation for the paper in the tray; depending on the printer, it may need to be face up or face down, and it may need to have the top of the sheet feed in first or the bottom. Try a test page or two to make sure you have it figured out.

Even pages: In Acrobat, choose “File > Print.” Type “2-112” in the “Pages box,” set “Subset:” to “odd pages only,” click the checkbox that says “reverse pages,” and set “Page scaling:” to “Fit to printable area.” Click “Print.” When it finishes printing, put page 111 back with the stack, then three-hole punch the paper and put it in your notebook.
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Postby Andy Sharp on Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:24 pm

Anyone else notice that they used the wrong 2010 head specifications in Appendix IV on page 109-110?

The first image below is my interpretation of what they announced earlier this fall, but they went ahead and printed what had been set to go into effect in 2009 with the 4 measurements instead of the updated 3, just changing the dates.

Where there other findings/announcements that I missed?
Andy Sharp wrote:Image

Previous 2009 Rules

Thanks for the printing tips LaxRef!
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Postby Andy Sharp on Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:31 pm

Anyone else note that the 3 measurement specifications allow for continued pinching between the 1.25" mark and the 5" mark, right where the ball typically rests while cradling? Leaving untouched the primary function of these specifications, excessive ball retention.

Why didn't they just say that from the 1.25" mark to the widest point you must be able to measure 3" between the sidewalls? Then one could just utilize a 3" dowel to check for the minimum width.
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Postby Sonny on Wed Dec 19, 2007 10:58 am

LaxRef wrote:This is the first year I printed the rule book correctly on the first try, so I thought I'd share.

Thanks for sharing LaxRef. Great tip!
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Postby LaxRef on Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:52 am

Sonny wrote:
LaxRef wrote:This is the first year I printed the rule book correctly on the first try, so I thought I'd share.

Thanks for sharing LaxRef. Great tip!

You are quite welcome. I've screwed that up so many times that I wanted to save everyone else the heartache and paper!
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Postby LaxTV_Admin on Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:00 pm

LaxRef wrote:
Sonny wrote:
LaxRef wrote:This is the first year I printed the rule book correctly on the first try, so I thought I'd share.

Thanks for sharing LaxRef. Great tip!

You are quite welcome. I've screwed that up so many times that I wanted to save everyone else the heartache and paper!

I wish I had read this before I printed. I think I killed about 4 trees before I got it right :( Thanks for the tips.
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