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Postby LaxRef on Sat Jun 30, 2007 3:58 pm

Under what circumstances can a "failure to advance" violation result in a time-serving penalty?
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Postby cjwilhelmi on Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:45 pm

USC on the coach for bitching that the ref can't count or needs glasses to see that the ball was cleared?
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Postby Jolly Roger on Sat Jun 30, 2007 7:31 pm

Repeated technical fouls can result in a time serving penalty. :P
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Postby LaxRef on Sat Jun 30, 2007 10:29 pm

Jolly Roger wrote:Repeated technical fouls can result in a time serving penalty. :P

While that is true, it is--shall we say--highly unlikely that an official would make that call. You are correct that repeatedly committing the same technical foul can be a (releasable) USC, but I've never called that nor do I know of any officials who have. I worked with an official who threatened to call it after the same guy had gone offside four times in one half, but the guy wised up. In any case, I think this is intended as a way to give officials a more powerful tool when a team is somehow gaining an advantage by intentionally fouling (e.g., Team B is man down 3:00 NR and keeps holding A1, drawing flag after flag, with the idea of killing penalty time and knowing if A1 scores the flags will get waved off anyway; change it to a personal and it doesn't get waved off on the goal). But a good try!

There's another, much more likely way this can happen, though, and although I've never actually seen it I can easily envision this situation occurring.
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Postby BlueJaysLaxFan on Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:44 am

LaxRef wrote:There's another, much more likely way this can happen, though, and although I've never actually seen it I can easily envision this situation occurring.

A1 has possession and B1 commits a technical or personal foul, and now we have a slow whistle situation. A1 is then called for FTA during the SW (doesn't matter if 4, 10, or 20s), in which case he must serve 30s NR simultaneously with B1.
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