Hidden Ball Trick

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Hidden Ball Trick

Postby Hi-Wall Hero on Tue May 22, 2007 6:41 am

Since the big boy season is over, I have been enjoying my nephews MS games. At a game last night, the opposing team did the old "huddle up and split in all directions" trick for their man up.

My question is, I know that this is illegal BEFORE the whistle, but what about after?
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Postby laxfan25 on Tue May 22, 2007 8:28 am

We had this same discussion on another forum, and the consensus was that if it occurred after the whistle (at which time NO player can be within 5 yds of the ballcarrier) and that there was no interference with defenders as the pod of players disperses that it would be considered legal and innovative.
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Postby Hi-Wall Hero on Tue May 22, 2007 8:37 am

I had the same feeling about it being legal, but innovative...nope. I thought it was kinda bush league for a MS team to be running that as their EMO

The second through fifth time they ran it, I had every parent in the stands yelling out the number of the player with the ball.

I will look for it in the other forum, thanks
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Postby Zeuslax on Tue May 22, 2007 9:34 am

I had the same feeling about it being legal, but innovative...nope. I thought it was kinda bush league for a MS team to be running that as their EMO

Depends if they were hitting the back of the net or not.
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Postby LaxRef on Tue May 22, 2007 10:49 am

Zeuslax wrote:
I had the same feeling about it being legal, but innovative...nope. I thought it was kinda bush league for a MS team to be running that as their EMO

Depends if they were hitting the back of the net or not.

Hitting the back of the net: easy!

Having the ball pass through the plane of the goal first: harder!
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Postby Danny Hogan on Tue May 22, 2007 11:27 am

laxfan25 wrote:if it occurred after the whistle (at which time NO player can be within 5 yds of the ballcarrier)

what about all the on-ball picks that have become so popular at every level of lacrosse in the last 3 years?
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Postby Danny Hogan on Tue May 22, 2007 11:29 am

never mind i think you meant dead ball by "after the whistle" (i was thinking the whistle that initiated play
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Postby Hi-Wall Hero on Tue May 22, 2007 11:53 am

Zeuslax wrote:
I had the same feeling about it being legal, but innovative...nope. I thought it was kinda bush league for a MS team to be running that as their EMO

Depends if they were hitting the back of the net or not.

They weren't. Which is another reason I called it bush. This is 7th graders in a 2-3 year old program running shenanigans instead of working on stick skills and getting better at lacrosse.

That would lead me to another thread called "Why We Don't Let HS Kids Coach at the MS Level of a First Year Program Who Are Only Interested In Winning, Not On Teaching Good Skills".

Look for it in the near future
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Postby Champ on Tue May 22, 2007 12:39 pm

Hi-Wall Hero wrote:
Zeuslax wrote:
I had the same feeling about it being legal, but innovative...nope. I thought it was kinda bush league for a MS team to be running that as their EMO

Depends if they were hitting the back of the net or not.

They weren't. Which is another reason I called it bush. This is 7th graders in a 2-3 year old program running shenanigans instead of working on stick skills and getting better at lacrosse.

That would lead me to another thread called "Why We Don't Let HS Kids Coach at the MS Level of a First Year Program Who Are Only Interested In Winning, Not On Teaching Good Skills".

Look for it in the near future

Sounds like the 7th/8th graders I coached last year. Never have I seen such a large epidemic of ADD and general "not caring" than with those guys.
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Postby LaxRef on Tue May 22, 2007 12:39 pm

Danny Hogan wrote:never mind i think you meant dead ball by "after the whistle" (i was thinking the whistle that initiated play

No, I think he's saying "You can't have a huddle on the restart since no one can be within 5 yards of the player with the ball then, but you would do it after the restart." And I agree, subject to the limitation that those players bursting out of the huddle had better not be bumping any defenders out of the play; if they do, it's either an illegal screen or interference.
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Postby TexOle on Tue May 22, 2007 2:04 pm

I would just send a defender in the huddle.
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