Campbell wrote:You have to understand that the Indians of this country basically had their entire way of life taken from them. Living on a reservation within a rapidly modernizing society, Indians see a rapid erosion of their cultural identity. Things like portraying Indians incorrectly, displaying the remains of their ancestors, digging up their history and selling it, etc. are often viewed as an extension of Euro-American imperialism. The idea being that it is ok to do these things because they are just "Indians." It is a theft of their cultural identity and something they want to have a say in. Comparing them to the Yankees or the Brewers is not appropriate since they reflect a commonality of the cultural majority, not a group of people that have been systematically subjugated for the last 500 years.
Every type of people on this earth have been opressed at some point or another. Putting a picture of a native american on a jersey is not forcing people to remember the Trail of Tears....esp when the other team has a jersey with a friggin penguin on it (not to offend penguins and their war with the sea lions). It's not meant in any disrespect in any way whatsoever. I'm sure the NCAA higher-ups are all deeply "in-tune" with Native Americans and any other oppressed people (note: extreme sarcasm).
These aren't blackface minstrels. Most people are PROUD to wear the logos and emblems.
So basically, anything anywhere that has anything resembling anything native american should be taken, that doesn't sound oppressive, at all....