Jerry Jones wants lacrosse in the new stadium

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Jerry Jones wants lacrosse in the new stadium

Postby shrekjr on Wed May 07, 2008 3:45 pm

Jerry talking about other events to put in his new palace....

Mr. Jones said the Cowboys also are still aggressively pursuing other big events, such as the NCAA basketball Final Four, international soccer matches and college football games. But he also mentioned another sport, lacrosse, which has not come up in previous public statements.

NCAA championship lacrosse games have attracted crowds of more than 70,000 in the Northeast, Mr. Jones said. There have already been a couple of professional lacrosse games at Texas Stadium in Irving and more club games are expected.

"We think we could be the first venue west of the Mississippi to bring [in] final four lacrosse," Mr. Jones said.
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Postby IndianaJones on Thu May 08, 2008 2:47 pm

That would be awesome. The new Texas Stadium looks incredible.
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Postby Madlax16 on Thu May 08, 2008 6:50 pm

IndianaJones wrote:That would be awesome. The new Texas Stadium looks incredible.

Thats because God's team plays there.
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Postby jessexy on Thu May 08, 2008 11:18 pm

Madlax16 wrote:
IndianaJones wrote:That would be awesome. The new Texas Stadium looks incredible.

Thats because God's team plays there.

I heard a preacher say that God's ecstatic Jerry found a way to keep the hole in the roof so He can still watch the games.

BTW, the leadin vote getter for the name of the stadium is the "Boss Hogg Bowl"

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