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Division II Post Season Awards

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:25 am
by Jason Zantjer
Only 1st and 2nd team selections (except goalie), reasons why include SFA ineligible for post season awards and two teams not sending anything to me. It is hard for me to get this information accurate when I have incomplete ballots or nothing at all.

Andrew Webb-SU
Martin Irish-SU
Robbie Thomae-St.Eds

Michale Condren-St.Eds
Clayton Travis-AC
Jordan Schneider-AC

Robert Lockwood SU
Michael Avery -St. Eds
Patrick Reese -AC

Sam Lacroix-St. Eds
Peter Bong-AC
Hunter McCall

Cole Claiborn (SU)
Cole Robbins (St. Ed's)
Andy Godbold (St. Ed's)

Ian Flechsig (SU)
Jon Purcell (AC)
Britan Bruner (AC)

James Mcdonough (SU)
Michael Bajec (St. Ed's)
Brian Alexander (UTA)

Will Fisher-St.Eds

Face Off
Peter Bong-AC

Bill Bowman

Andrew Webb-SU

Robbie Thomae-St.Eds

Offensive Player
Andrew Webb-SU

Defense Player
Cole Claiborn (SU)

Andrew Webb (SU)
Martin Irish (SU)
James McDonough (SU)
Cole Robbins (St. Ed's)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:16 pm
by jessexy
Is there really a guy playing in the LSA with the last name of "Bong"???? Thats pretty awesome

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:17 pm
by tech311cs
my thoughts exactly haha

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:23 pm
by seulax6

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:09 pm
by Buc_em_up
Yes and he is pretty unstoppable at the X.
I cant be sure, but I want to say he is a big hitter... 8) :wink:
Definitely deserving of his spot though, several of the other selections might be questionable, but he is a great FOGO.

On a different note, is Hunter McCall the same as Alden McCall listed on the AC roster? There is no school next to his name and I cant find him on a roster, but I assume its the same person. Anyone know? Regardless, congrats Hunter, whoever you are.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:35 pm
by NYBuilt
shouldnt the first be consist of SU's roster? and the second team be SEU's roster?

middie selections

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:13 am
by laxforlife
The midfield selections seem weird. I feel a couple guys are missing but I know Jason did a good job. Any thoughts on first and second selections??? Anybody get shafted?? It would be interesting to hear some responses.

Regardless. Congratulations to everyone.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:01 pm
ya i'm missing. not being cocky, just going by statistics. check out the mcla webcite, i am not even on there, and there is only one person there that has more pionts then i do. kind of pissed about it myself, but its how you do in the game that matters.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:45 pm
by JW
SEULAX15 wrote:ya i'm missing. not being cocky, just going by statistics. check out the mcla webcite, i am not even on there, and there is only one person there that has more pionts then i do. kind of pissed about it myself, but its how you do in the game that matters.

By your last statement, i hope you mean its W-L that matters.

I think it is about right. Can't complain much. There will be more UTA guys on there next year.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:50 pm
by NYBuilt
SEULAX15 wrote:ya i'm missing. not being cocky, just going by statistics. check out the mcla webcite, i am not even on there, and there is only one person there that has more pionts then i do. kind of pissed about it myself, but its how you do in the game that matters.

This is the funniest thing I have ever heard. If you have enough balls to say this you deserve to make 2nd team in LSA division 2. RECOUNT!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:09 am
by mikeg123
Agreed. I like this kind of confidence.
So I actually looked at those stats and couldnt help but notice the leader in ppg is none other than John Mark Cleaveland, yet it says he played only one game. Surely this isnt true, what's up with UTA's stats? Or perhaps they decided the old guy from St. Rita elementary was too good, and it wouldnt be fair to unleash him on DII.