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Red Bull @ the GRLC B Division Cross-Over
Mon May 01, 2006 7:37 pm
by Neckslax1
How did everyone like the Red Bull/Cross-Over T-shirt idea this year at Cross-Over???
Mon May 01, 2006 7:47 pm
by UMR_LAX_4
I think it was a really good idea to get sponsorship, and the music between games was great. However, i was telling my players not to get loaded up on caffeine between games. Also, our coach wasn't very happy when they started playing music DURING our game.
All in all, good job of runnign it again this year.
Mon May 01, 2006 7:54 pm
by Neckslax1
WIU is sorry for playing the music during your game but you have to admit it was funny when your coach called the DJ a "juke box". Thank you for your answer and WIU hopes to continue hosting the Cross-Over Tourney.
Sean Potempa
Tue May 02, 2006 8:22 am
by culax
The cross-over T-shirts looked great. I was in the process of buying 20 for my team when our trainer noticed that every team but Creighton was listed on the back of the shirts. Do you Western guys dislike me that much?
Its not our fault
Tue May 02, 2006 9:35 am
by Neckslax1
We had those shirts made through QC Lax and we told them every team in our the grlc b division. They said that they have every one of the logos for all the teams. So they are the ones to talk to......but next year if WIU has cross-over again.... I'll make sure the shirts have every teams logo on them before I get them.
Sean Potempa
Tue May 02, 2006 9:49 am
by culax
the shirts were no big deal, i am just giving you a hard time. and i really did save a ton of cash without having to switch to geico.
western illinois did a great job of hosting the cross-over. the nice weather helped and having trainers this year was key. the red bull/dj tent was a nice touch. an all around great job, especially considering the extra games that we were forced to add to the schedule. again, i really appreciate everyone's hard work and cooperation with the event this year.
if any teams/schools are interested in hosting the cross-over weekend in future years we need to think about (well in advance) contingency plans for dealing with bad weather, insurance issues/requirements from the host facility, and arrangements for field equipment, etc.