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CCLA Areas for Progress???????

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:44 pm
by Zeuslax
What are some areas that could be implemented or improved in the CCLA. Two things really stood out to me that other leagues are executing

1) A full time, paid league commissioner (Not sure how I feel about this
one yet)

2) A league wide game assigner (Really like this idea. This could really
help to alleviate the issues associated with the scheduling process.
IE. Teams trying to avoid travel. Assistance finding out of
conference games. And many others.........................

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:37 pm
by John Paul
Let's give our new leadership some time before we jump on the paid commissioner idea. It's a good idea, and we are probably fairly close to having to do that on a national level, but if we can avoid raising team dues we need to try.

I can't see how a game assignor would help with OOC games. If anything, they would hurt that effort. Most teams schedule their OOC games before their conference meetings take place, because that's the part of the schedule that has to be more flexible in order to mesh travel schedules. Plus, a conference game assignor wouldn't have the means to schedule OOC games for teams. How do you see it helping?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:11 am
by Zeuslax
The above is purely inquisitive. What do others think about these and others. Would they help/hinder. I think we can all safely say the board will do an outstanding job this year. Of course, these positions and others would be outlined by the league.

I agree the game assigner could hurt some, but could help others (in my opinion).