Weberlax12 wrote:I read the article today because I have been in the mountains and have had no chance to connect with anything lacrosse, especially in Idaho!
Hey, lacrosse is actually starting to boom in Idaho. 16 high school teams, three college teams, U-15, 17, and 19 teams that compete in travel tournaments including Vail....I wouldn't start short selling Idaho and lacrosse.
I would also like to know who in Idaho "bashes" the sport. Are you in eastern Idaho? Eastern Idaho is like southern utah, where there is no lacrosse. There might be some "bashing" there...however in the western and northern parts of the state, and especially in the treasure valley, lacrosse receives tons of support. All you have to do is log on to or or to get a good appreciation for what lacrosse is turning in to in Idaho.
Heck, the biggest sports web site in the state even put on a live web-cast of the high school all-star game this past weekend.
Open mouth....insert foot.