GRLC Action (2/20-2/26) Discuss Games/Report Scores

Postby LaxTV_Admin on Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:42 pm

A.J. Stevens wrote:
LaxUNL27 wrote:Gross. Thank God for indoor facilities.

The game was to be played in an indoor facility but Indiana's athletic department pulled the facility. To be honest the temp was in the 40 degree range and sunny. If the field had been cleared properly (instead of just the lines) the game conditions would have been great.

The good news coach is, this weekend's forecast for our game is about 60 and fluorescent. I don't know about you but, I am pretty much down with that :) See ya Sunday.
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Postby NYBuilt on Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:34 am

A.J. Stevens wrote:
LaxUNL27 wrote:Gross. Thank God for indoor facilities.

The game was to be played in an indoor facility but Indiana's athletic department pulled the facility. To be honest the temp was in the 40 degree range and sunny. If the field had been cleared properly (instead of just the lines) the game conditions would have been great.

You call it improper clearing of the field. I call it home field advantage...

No but really safety had to be an issue out there in the snow. Slippery fields usually mean hurt ligaments...
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Snowy Lax Fun

Postby Kribtakkle on Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:54 pm

A.J. Stevens wrote:
A.J. Stevens wrote:Final Score
Illinois - 5
Indiana - 6

Here are a couple of photos from the Indiana web page.



That looks like SO much fun. I would love to play a snow game in 40 degree weather. I just hope they were playing with an orange ball.
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