Montana Fall Tournament

Montana Fall Tournament

Postby Hi-Line Lax on Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:42 am

I wanted to extend all of the PNCLL teams an invitation to come to Missoula September 15, 16, & 17 for a men's tournament. We've been talking to a few men's teams from California, Colorado, & Massachusetts who are interested in the fly fishing access 30 yards from the there should be some good competition out there. We've been working with several companies & our University about sponsorship, so we're hoping to have the team costs down to almost zero...I know traveling to Missoula is not easy for everybody. It would also be a good time for teams to show off their stuff before the league meeting the following weekend. If you or your team (we could place individuals) is interested then let me know and I'll get you some more details.
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Postby DLAX on Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:08 am

As soon as you guys can get more information on how much its going to cost and if you can hook up hotels for cheap make sure to get it on here. I know that I personally would like to go and it would be a great thing for any team to make it out there.
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Postby lincoln02 on Thu Jun 08, 2006 1:08 pm

sounds like a great tourney.

school doesn't start until the end of september for sou, so it might difficult for us to field a whole team.

individual player placement would be great for a couple guys from down here.

i for one would love to play with all my amigos from these boards that i didn't get a chance to play against last season.

keep us posted kevin!

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Postby Hi-Line Lax on Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:14 pm

I wanted to update everybody on our Fall Tournament on Sept far we have 6 teams that have verbally committed...I can't sign them up for sure because I don't know the bill yet, but it looks like costs should be around $100-$150 per team. We have deals with 3 hotels in town that are able to help out with some discounts, but I know one team that is planning on camping for the weekend (with showers at the University provided). We are still looking for some PNCLL representation at this thing...5 of the 6 teams are from Montana. It sounds like there is some interest out in Oregon, so if somebody wants to step up and organize a "Team Oregon" I can try and help out with that. Anybody else (Gonzaga, WSU, Boise, Albertson, others) let me know at least a few weeks in advance so I can arrange the games. If you have any questions, shoot me an e-mail or PM.
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Postby GrizLens on Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:28 am

Just wanted to chime in and encourage anyone who might be considering a trip to Missoula for the tourney to go ahead and make it happen. If you've never been to Montana, this would be the perfect time to check it out. The weather in September is pretty much perfect; cool enough for lacrosse, but still hot enough to float a tube down the Blackfoot. And for you fishermen, the famous Clark Fork River literally flows right next to the fields. Hiking and Camping? Done and done. Think Bitterroot Valley and Glacier National Park. And I think there are a couple of bars around there somewhere too :lol:. Also, will be providing full photographic coverage of all games, so you could score a sweet shot of yourself to show to your mom, and your friends, and your mom's friends, and vice-versa. So, again, I highly encourage anyone with some free time and spare change to get out here and play some lax in, what I consider to be, the most beautiful place in the country. If interested, contact Montana coach Kevin Flynn.
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