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Coaches...I need help w/ practice

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:17 pm
by byualum
For some reason my boys (7th graders) are very sloppy/lazy/lethargic at the beginning of practice. The drills are sloppy (weave, hamster, boxes...) and we have too many dropped balls and spend too much time chasing bad passes. I've got a lot of football players that just want to hit and don't put much stock in stick skills.

Once we get into some transition drills and scrimmages, the boys play fairly well.

How do I get the intensity into the beginning of practice that we seem to generate by the end of practice?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 3:32 pm
by AlumniLax
Ground ball drills usually do the trick. 3v2, 3v3, 4v3, and down the line to how ever big you want to get it. Also, if you do line drills first, pull them in between the two face off wings and make them do quick sticks in a revolving line. Speeds up practice and it can be made into a game, first person to drop goes out and so on until you have a winner.