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Practice uniforms

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:24 am
I know it's not that big of an issue, but I was just curious to hear from coaches and players about what teams you've been a part of that have required a practice uniform. Not just pinnies, but say everyone wears the same color shorts or shirts. And how many people have been lucky enough to have team practice shorts or shirts? This is in any league or level you've been a part of. Granted most varsity teams have practice clothes, but I'm just trying to get a feel for how many club teams or high school teams have done it as well. Thanks

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:39 am
by yourmom
At Lindenwood we have to pay as part of our dues for sweats and stuff that we all practice in that match. It looks nice when we are jogging around campus and on the field practicing. Matching tops and bottom sweats for practice. And also pregame Under Armor stuff that we payed for.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:40 am
by TrojanLaxman5
At SC we have team under armour practice shorts as well as team practice pennies that everyone wears. In high school in the SF area we always had team practice pennies and most guys would wear old game shorts at practice.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:02 am
by TrainerDan
BYU uses a blue/white reversible practice jersey along with practice shorts and t-shirts. Besides looking sharp it also helps create a good team atmosphere with everyone dressed the same. They also receive STX sweats and hoodies, Nike warmups and Nike gameday shirts, and also Nike's version of under armour. Coach Lamb has been able to create a good setup by ordering clothing with the football team which makes it a lot easier. The STX sponsorship also helps. ... hotoID=101